Sprinklr Insights: 18.2 Capabilities and Enhancements


Sprinklr's latest release offers exciting new capabilities designed to empower your business to create meaningful customer experiences at every touchpoint. Read about Sprinklr's latest platform enhancements below!

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Read through the release notes below or click on a Product title to jump to a particular Product page of the Release Notes. For quick navigation to a specific feature within the Product, click on the feature name on the right. To dive deep into certain capabilities, hover over the linked articles to open the article in a separate tab. Some release notes will be informational one-liners, and the action cursor will not appear. Enjoy!


Listening | Introducing Listening Persona App

Introducing Listening Persona App, curated to provide you with a simplified version of Social Listening aligning with all of your use cases.

  • One-stop Solution: All the required capabilities of Listening are now made just a click away in the left navigation bar. These Persona Apps’ simplified navigation and better accessibility will help save time and increase your productivity.

  • Persona-based Onboarding: The guided user flows and onboarding module of the persona apps will ramp up the learning curve for users. This will reduce the time taken to onboard new users.

  • User-friendly Interface: The overall simplification and intuitiveness of the Persona Apps will induce your analysts to use more of Sprinklr, thus leading to better efficiency of their day-to-day job functions.

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Listening | Introducing Alert 2.0 with Some Usability Upgrades

We have redesigned the alert configuration workflow and made some usability upgrades for quick setup and more robust alerting.

  1. Alert from widget

  2. New alert configuration form

    • We have revamped the alert configuration form for both Smart Alerts and Volumetric Alerts.

    • You can now see the conversation preview while creating an alert. The Preview screen will be auto-populated when the alert dimensions filters are added in the alert configuration form. The screen will show the conversations being powered by the chosen filters and the users can add more filters to tune to only relevant conversations that they need to get alerted on.

    • We have also revamped the alerts record manager window in order to enhance the user experience.

  3. The Scheduled Reports configuration form has also been revamped with added preview support.

  4. Introducing verbiage changes in the Alert emails to deliver faster insights to the users and make the mails more consumable.

  5. Added alert notification frequency to the alert forms. You can now choose the number of alerts you want to receive at an hourly/daily/weekly/monthly level to avoid multiple alerts in case of an inflated crisis event. This will help save your inbox from being cluttered and spammed.

Smart Alerts

  • The Smart Alerts will now be supported on long term trend anomalies. This would cover spikes/dips in trends aggregated over a Daily (24 hours) and Weekly (7 days) basis.

  • Introduced algorithm updates in the volume threshold for Smart Alert time series. The threshold will now be uniquely calculated by the algorithm for each time series. This will ensure that you do not miss out on alerts in trend shifts where the volumes are too low and also do not get spammed where the volumes are too high.

  • Introduced logic changes in Smart Alerts to cater to latency issues. Retrospective alerts after 48 hours on instances where alerts were not triggered due to latency in data capturing.

Volumetric Alerts

  • You can easily switch to Scheduled Report from the Volumetric Alert configuration screen. This will help users get alerted on a certain number of threshold breaches before they switch to a summary report that presents a high-level summary of the associated trends at regular intervals.

  • Added plain text format mail template within Volumetric Alerts. Best suited for CXO reporting. The mail format will consist of truncated posts containing the keywords which captured these messages to pass the context of trends in the most consumable format to CXOs.

  • Introducing Volumetric Alerts covering "Irregular activity from last time range" based on the following metrics –

    • % increment/decrement in the volume of mentions from the last time range.

    • Absolute value increment/decrement of the volume of mentions from the last time range.

    • Breach of the Average star rating from a pre-defined 'safe range' and the ability to generate further alerts at increment/decrement in the metric value.

    • Breach of the Average Experience score rating from a pre-defined 'safe range' and the ability to generate further alerts at increment/decrement in the metric value.

Note: We will be merging the Product Insights and Location Insights modules into the Listening module as they are all powered by the same Data source. On addition of relevant dimensions of the PI and LI module, the corresponding metrics will populate in the dropdown to choose from, for the user.

Listening | Introducing Twitter Profile Impersonation Report

Introducing the Profile Impersonation Report, within Audience Insights which will enable you to proactively detect and mitigate PR risk exposures due to social media impersonation. The report will help you identify Twitter profiles potentially impersonating your brands & executives based on handle and display name similarities.

You can whitelist known or affiliated accounts from the scope of the search, drill-down on identified profiles and view their conversations and export all identified profiles to take action.


  • The report is available under Audience Insights, and it is free for all customers who have Social Listening.

  • All customers who have access to Audience Insights will be able to access the report.

Listening | Introducing Sprinklr’s Insights Assistant

Reduce time to insight by automating insight generation. You can also collaborate and act upon manually identified insights by creating insight cards and tracking them in customizable feeds.

  • AI Insights reduce time to insight leverage Sprinklr AI to automate insight identification and highlight underlying factors for brand and product performance without the need for multiple widgets and drill downs.

  • Manual Insights provide you the ability to save and act upon manually-identified insights, by creating insight cards and tracking them in a feed view.

  • Boards are configurable feeds that can be used to view insights around a specific brand, product, or theme, making it easier for your team to collaborate on relevant insights, saving time and increasing productivity.

Listening | Revamped Listening Dashboard Homepage

We have revamped the Dashboard homepage in order to make it more intuitive and simplified for users. You can now quickly access the dashboards and perform basic actions right from your dashboard homepage.

  • Dashboard Landing Page with improved search, filter and sort capabilities will enable users to find the required dashboards faster.

  • Easily switch your view from List to Grid and group the dashboards as per Owner, Type, and Tags.

  • Efficiently manage multiple dashboards with bulk actions for sharing, adding to folders, and deleting with a single click.

Listening | Introducing Visual Listening Governance

The updated Visual Listening Governance record manager enables you to identify the logos on which a photo brand is trained and topics where a photo brand is being used without going through each topic. You will be able to perform search within the photo brand & topic name, sort and filter to navigate effortlessly through the list. You can further expand the logos in the third pane by clicking on the eye icon. Record Manger will have the following –

  • Photo Brand: Brand name for which logo is trained

  • Variants: Logo variants (Main) on which model is trained

  • Topic: Topics in which a Photo Brand is used to perform listening

  • Last Updated: Date and time when the model was last updated

Listening | Introducing Upfront Widget Actionability

Introducing the Upfront Widget actionability that provides you with an intuitive and simplified experience while consuming the Listening dashboards. You can now easily perform quick actions upfront on the widget.

  • Breakdown your data on different parameters upfront without the need of creation of duplicate widgets

  • Perform the quick actions without the need of going to the edit mode

  • Save your time by avoiding back & forth changes with the upfront quick action available in the widget

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Note: Currently, the Upfront Widget actionability feature is available for only 13 widgets – Bar, Column, Pie, Line, Area, Area Spline, Spline, Entity Word Cloud, Trending Entity Word Cloud, Word Cloud, Smart Word Cloud, Stacked Column, and Stacked Bar.

Listening | Introducing Topic Analytics in Listening Persona App 

Introducing Topic Analytics in Listening Persona App that will help you analyze all your Topics and get quick insights in one place. The new persona app is aimed to impart a more simplified and user-friendly experience, and a commendable reduction in the time to reach your insights. 

Key features of Topic Analytics standard dashboard – 

  • A dedicated and easy-to-use UI to intuitively switch between Topics with the context of details like backfilling, fetching status, etc.

  • Improved out-of-the-box standard dashboard for Topics to help users get granular insights

  • Creation of customized standard templates resonating with your organization's best practices

Listening | Introducing Entity-based Search

You can now use the entity: operator in Quick Search to escape the hassle of creating long and complex queries. This operator provides a suggestion box that appears directly in the search bar suggesting potential entity searches like brand, person, and location. Beyond the normal keyword search, the smart search will allow users to also fetch brand related product associations even in messages where brand keyword is not used.

Listening | Added Listening as Data Source for Conversation Insights

We have added Listening as a data source for Conversation Insights to support partner-level data in Conversation Cluster reports. You can now define an input sets of conversation by using Topics, Topic Groups, Topic Tags, Themes, Keyword Lists, etc. Now, Conversation Insights will support Explorer and Listening as data source to generate a report on global/public and partner-level data respectively.

Listening | Ability to Drill Down on Individual Node to View Messages

On a Conversation Cluster report, you can now drill down on individual node to view messages. Single-click on any particular node of your interest in the Conversation Cluster visualization, and this will open the 3rd pane where you can view the content of the message.

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Listening | Ability to Change Clusters Colors by Different Metrics

We have added the filtering support for nodes and clusters on the basis of different dimensions. This capability will help you see the cluster distribution via different classification criteria (dimensions) like Sentiment, Country, and Source. You will be able to apply these colouring changes at both levels of clustering L1 & L2.

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Listening | Ability to Change Messages’ Sentiments using Keyboard Shortcuts

We have introduced the following usability upgrades in the Inline Editable Table widget

  • Change sentiments instantly: You can now easily change the sentiment of the message within an Inline Editable Table widget by using these keyboard shortcuts:

    • Press cmd/ctrl + shift + s to change the sentiment to Positive

    • Press cmd/ctrl + shift + d to change the sentiment to Neutral

    • Press cmd/ctrl + shift + f to change the sentiment to Negative Add Location form

  • Drag & drop columns: You can now rearrange the columns of an Inline Editable Table widget in the widget builder screen by simply dragging & dropping. This functionality is the same as what we support in the Table widget. Add Location form

  • Bulk update selection persistence: The bulk selection of messages in an Inline Editable Table widget will now persist after every action, no matter how many times you perform an action. As a result, you do not need to make a bulk selection again and again.

  • Deselect messages instantly: You can deselect all the selected messages by simply pressing the Esc key, instead of going to the snackbar to deselect them.


  • Shortcuts will be active when the Sentiment cell is selected within the Inline Editable Table widget.

  • Ability to change the sentiment of messages in bulk is also supported with the above keyboard shortcuts.

Listening | Introducing New Advanced Operators

We have added 3 new advanced aka search operators "authorContaining", "displayName", and "displayNameContaining" in Social Listening in order to make your search query more specific and relevant.

  1. authorContaining will search for the results that will match text with the user's screen name.

  2. displayName and displayNameContaining will search for the results that will match text with the user's display name. Note: These two operators work only for Twitter.


  • You can add multiple usernames with displayNameContaining and authorContaining operators.

  • You can use these newly added operators while creating a Topic, Theme, and/or Keyword query.

Listening | Backfill Mention Count for All Widgets in Consumption Report

The Consumption by Sources widget in the Listening dashboard now includes the number of mentions consumed per source through backfills. This enhancement will enable users to have a more detailed breakdown of their mention consumption.

Listening | Added New Filter "Minimum Engagement" for Listening Columns

In the Engagement dashboards, you can now customize your Listening columns by filtering the column on the basis of minimum engagement. By setting a minimum engagement value, such as 500, the column will show mentions that have earned engagement equal to or more than 500.

Listening | Added New Age Category Dimension Called "Generation"

We have added a new age category dimension called Generation that will work on the basis of year of birth. It will detect AI-identified generations of a user. The generation categories include –

  • Gen Alpha (>= 2013)

  • Gen Z (1997 – 2012)

  • Gen Y - Millennial (1981 - 1996)

  • Gen X (1965 – 1980)

  • Baby Boomer (1946 – 1964)

Note: The Generation dimension is also available as a filter at the dashboard, section, and widget levels.

Listening | Improvements in Entity Detection Accuracy

We have improved the accuracy of our AI entity detection algorithm that would enable you to generate higher-quality predictions for identifying people, organizations, and locations from message content.

Listening | Ability to Pin Rows in Cross Tab and Table Widgets

We have now introduced the ability to pin rows in Cross Tab and Table widgets, with which you can easily keep track of important metrics such as Experience Score, Star Rating, and Review Count. By using this functionality, you can now freeze or pin one or more rows, making it simpler to analyze and compare data.

Listening | Introducing "Time Filter" Persistence While Sharing Dashboards

Introducing the ability to share dashboards with the desired time-range applied. Any changes made to a dashboard's time range will now be stored in its URL, which can be directly shared. When accessed via the browser URL, the dashboard will always show the same time-range as when the dashboard was originally shared.

Listening | Smart Insights Toggle Switch Moved Under 3 Dot Options

For the Listening module, the Smart Insights toggle switch has been now moved under the 3 dot options icon at the widget-level.

Listening | Deprecation of Foursquare

Sprinklr’s partnership with Foursquare has been ended, and we have been shifted from Official Foursquare firehose to Webhose source from January 2023. As part of our Foursquare agreement, we were required to purge all data since we had ended our contract with them. To comply with this requirement, Sprinklr has purged all Foursquare data (from all partner environments and the Sprinklr global database) on Jan 2023 (subject to shift by a few days, pending the exact date of the patch release) and has backfilled from the webhose.

Customers may expect to see some variations of dips in their historical reporting data (anything before January 2022). If your client flags this, this is to be expected as Foursquare data has been removed from their reports.

Changes that will be there –

  • Foursquare as a source will be present only in Location Insights and Product Insights.

  • Permalink, from now on, would not lead to native review but to the master page of the review.


Benchmarking | Introducing Benchmarking Persona App

The Benchmarking Persona App is designed to simplify the Benchmarking module of Sprinklr. With the Benchmarking Persona App, you can easily measure and compare your brand's performance against competitors in the industry. This feature enables you to navigate, track, and analyze various KPIs such as engagement rate, reach, etc. in a user-friendly manner.

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Benchmarking | Added Themes Support in Benchmarking

Themes are now available in Benchmarking to slice and dice social media data fetched by brands. Just like Listening Themes, Benchmarking Themes can be created using basic/advanced keyword queries or some customised filters. Benchmarking Themes can be used in dashboard widgets to aggregate data or as filters at dashboard, section and widget level.

Benchmarking | Introduced New Aggregation Type "Rescale" for Benchmarking Metrics

The benchmarking widgets now have a new aggregation capability called "Rescale". This feature will standardize any Benchmarking metric to a consistent scale of 0-100, making it simpler for you to compare different studies.

Media Monitoring & Analytics

MM&A | Introducing Factiva Data Support in Newsletter

Factiva data can be distributed using sprinklr’s newsletters. Dow Jones Factiva, the international news database consists of 5000+ sources, ranging across various countries and languages. This Factiva data can now be populated in both manual and automated newsletters, expanding the capability of premium data coverage in newsletters. It is important to note that Factiva data integration in newsletters is a DP-enabled feature and is available at an additional cost.

Enablement note: To enable this functionality in your environment, please work with your success manager.

MM&A | Additional Language Support for Clustering in MM&A

We have expanded the language support for stories, allowing you to improve your PR monitoring and analyze Stories for crisis monitoring across these additional languages to compliment you PR monitoring.

  • Croatian

  • Czech

  • Danish

  • Finnish

  • Greek

  • Hindi

  • Hungarian

  • Indonesian

  • Norwegian

  • Portuguese

  • Serbian

  • Slovak

  • Slovenian

  • Swedish

  • Ukrainian

MM&A | Introducing Article Type Filters in MM&A

We have introduced pre-curated filters to conduct focused analysis on multiple categories of editorial coverage. These filters can be leveraged to cater multiple use cases –

  • Articles via Newswires: Using this filter, you can identify paid content in the form of newswires and measure ROI of your PR efforts.

  • Market Research and Stock Market Reports: Using these filters, you can refine your search by identifying articles related to market research and stock reports.

MM&A | Introducing Media Impact Score

There are a wide variety of metrics that capture different aspects of a PR job function. It is often difficult & overwhelming to present a unified picture that incorporates these different aspects. Sprinklr’s Media Impact Score is specifically designed to capture the essence of all PR metrics into one unified measurement – be it the volume or quality of media coverage or virality of news articles, or mentions of corporate pillars. This provides a 360° view of how your brand is perceived in media and also importantly, how you can improve it.

Media Impact Score is a single North star metric which can be leveraged by the modern day PR leaders that illustrates if the PR efforts are on the right track.

MM&A | Compact Metric Cell Now Available in MM&A Dashboard

Our latest update to MM&A now allows you to view engagement metrics for the Inline Editable Table widget. This feature works similarly to Social Listening, where messages are mapped with predefined engagement metrics, and are displayed in the same column instead of separate ones.

Product Insights

Product Insights | Improve Dashboard Manager Design for Persona App

Similar to Social Listening, we have revamped the dashboard manager in the Product Insights Persona app. The new dashboard manager incorporates advanced search, grouping, and bulk actions to enhance the overall dashboard management.

Product Insights | Updated format for Product Import Configurator

The updated configurator product import functionality provides a more streamlined way of adding products to the platform in bulk. Updated format includes automatic source distribution, hence giving user option to add all product URLs in single column and "Append" functionality to add on URLs and custom field (multipicklist) values in already existing products.