Sprinklr Social: Patch Changes (18.8.3)


Sprinklr's latest release offers exciting new capabilities designed to empower your business to create meaningful customer experiences at every touchpoint. Read about Sprinklr's latest platform enhancements below!

Sprinklr Social

Sprinklr Insights

Unified Platform

UX Changes


Advocacy | Amplify Advocacy Reach with WebEx Broadcast Integration

We're thrilled to announce an innovative integration of WebEx with our Sprinklr Advocacy, enhancing the administrative and user experience alike. Administrators now can disseminate posts across WebEx, directly engaging employees within their specific groups. It will give employees the freedom to engage on the contents of their liking from WebEx environment.

But the real power of this integration lies in its user-friendliness. It’s designed to broaden and deepen employee engagement. By enabling simultaneous broadcasts to a WebEx room and other channels, we're amplifying content reach and engagement. This positions our platform not just as a tool, but as a strategic asset in fostering richer interactions and collaborations.

Note: To learn more about getting this capability enabled, contact your Success Manager. 

Advocacy | Streamlined Content Management by Introducing Advanced Filters

We've updated our Content Management system with simple, yet powerful filtering capabilities. Now, site admins can quickly find and organize posts within Advocacy Site using easy-to-navigate filters for categories like Content type, Campaign, Channels and Content Author in Content Management.  

These new filters mean less time searching and more time engaging. Admins can pinpoint the exact posts they need in moments, making content updates and strategy decisions faster and more effective. It’s all about getting the right content in front of the right eyes, without any hassle. 

Advocacy | Effortless Content Creation by Enhanced Image Editing Options 

We're excited to introduce a valuable enhancement for advocacy platform, allowing administrators to easily edit images before posting. This new feature simplifies content creation by offering customizable image sizes, ensuring that content creators can effortlessly adjust images to complement their posts.  

The significance of this feature lies in its ability to make content creation more accessible and visually appealing, ultimately elevating the quality of content shared on the advocacy platform. Administrators and content creators can now ensure that their content is not only engaging but also presents a polished and professional image, thereby enhancing the overall effectiveness and reach of their advocacy efforts.

Advocacy | Enhanced UGC Author Insights in Engagement Dashboards

Introducing the ability to filter engagement data based on UGC Author, a powerful feature that empowers administrators to gain deeper insights into user-generated content (UGC) authors' engagement. This enhancement allows admins to filter out engagement columns in the dashboard, providing a list of community users who have suggested posts. It simplifies data analysis and reporting, offering a more customized view of engagement specific to UGC authors.

This feature's importance lies in its ability to provide administrators with a more focused perspective on UGC authors' engagement, enabling them to better understand and incentivize the contributors who drive the advocacy community. By filtering engagement data based on UGC authors, admins can tailor their engagement strategies, recognize top contributors, and foster a more engaged and vibrant advocacy community. 

Advocacy | Better and More Intuitive User Onboarding with Question Hints

We're excited to introduce a feature that allows admins to add hints to each screener question. These hints make it easy for both advocates and admins to understand the purpose of each question. This text serves as a brief description to provide context and guidance for advocates, improving the overall user experience.

With this feature, admins can enhance the clarity and usability of their screener questions, leading to improved understanding and engagement from advocates. The hint text, with rich text support, empowers admins to provide detailed descriptions and add hyperlinks for enhanced clarity. This feature elevates the user experience and simplifies the screener question management process for admins.

Advocacy | Improved External Sharing Experience with Advocacy Mobile App

We're excited to share that our mobile app has been enhanced to provide a more user-friendly and efficient External Sharing experience where advocates use “Share Via” to send posts to the channels not connected to advocacy like ‘WhatsApp’, ‘Email’ easily through the below mentioned features:

External Sharing of Brand Social Posts: Advocates now have the convenience of sharing brand social posts to their personal accounts using the 'Share Via' option, eliminating the need to connect these accounts on the Advocacy site. This simplifies the sharing process and encourages advocates to amplify brand content effortlessly.

Carousel Posting Capabilities: Our mobile app now offers an improved feature for posting carousels across various external social channels. This enhancement streamlines the process of sharing multiple images or assets, making it more user-friendly and efficient.

Note: To learn more about getting this capability enabled, contact your Success Manager.