Video Call Analytics


Call Transcript - This widget is visible for video cases where Automatic Speech Recognition models are used to transcribe conversations to text messages. This widget allows you to listen through the call conversation, set playback speed, rewind/forward, and download the recordings.

Markers on Customer and Advisor timelines - Identify the most important moments in the conversation, like intents, positive and negative sentiment, first response time, and long breaks without having to scroll through the lengthy conversations. The color of the marker signifies specific meaning. Markers are customizable, additional markers can be added based on the use case. For example, to detect a particular keyword within customer or advisor messages, markers can be added accordingly.

Marker Color



Negative Sentiment


Positive Sentiment


Intent (default) or Customized Marker


Agent Transfer (in Video and Social Case), Hold Start and End (only in Video Case)

Widget Filters - Filters present in the call transcript widget are customizable. Few examples are searching through the messages within the conversation or filtering messages based on customer sentiment.

Call Overview & Call Analytics - This widget, which is only visible in video conversations case analytics page, gives an overview on the direction of the call - inbound or outbound call and the call duration, which is the total talk time between the agent and the customer.

Clicking Show All on the Call Overview widget opens the Call Analytics dashboard in the third pane. This dashboard provides data around call duration breakdown and call disposition.

AI Score Breakdown

AI Score Breakdown gives an overview on various parameters of the agent and customer conversation such as grammar, opening quality, empathy, closing quality, etc. with detailed explanations and recommendations for each.

For example, it highlights the exact grammatical mistakes conducted by your agent in the conversations, with corrections for coaching them. Additionally, it will help you understand what phrases the customers find to be empathetic and what is constituted as good opening and closing quality.

CSAT Trend

Analyze the CSAT fluctuations during a conversation and determine which messages from the customer or agent led to peaks or troughs in the CSAT score, in order to improve agent training.

Time Utilization

This widget displays a graphical representation of the distribution of time during video conversations, including the duration of customer and advisor talk time as well as periods of silence known as dead air.


This widget gives an overview of all intents detected in the conversation, case sentiment, language and the team that has handled the case.

Case Overview

The case card widget displays the Case Number, Case Creation Time, CSAT Score, Case Sentiment and the Average Handling Time (AHT).