

Sprinklr Video calling solution allows brands to make one-way or two-way video calls with their customers. Sprinklr Video Call requires no downloads or installations, and works seamlessly on Sprinklr live chat which can be embedded on website or mobile app.

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Sprinklr provides video call solution in integration with 2 vendors as of today i.e. with AWS (Amazon Web Services) and Zoom. The technical details and pricing can be found here.




Sprinklr Video Call


Themes and UI customization

Device Responsive


One Way

Two Way

Call recordings

Delete video call recording

Virtual Background

Video Call transcript

Generic Sprinklr Capabilities

Assignment Engine

Reporting Dashboards

+ All other capabilities available under Care product

Sprinklr video call can help achieve multiple use cases like:

  1.  Virtual Consultation: Allow store visitors to have virtual consultation with remote agents by opening chat page on store devices (eg- consult with tele optometrist for eye exam)

  2. Video Commerce: Make shopping more personalised and hassle free by letting customers get on a video call with in-store agents.

  3. Video KYC: Allow customers to transfer from voice to video call seamlessly for the purposes for authentication and verification of details

  4. Make Customer Care More Accessible: Video calls over Sprinklr live chat can help you cater to people of different abilities; becoming a brand which gives everyone the same level playing field.

Video calls can be initiated by either customers or agents depending on the use case, for which more details can be found here. For both scenarios, we need to follow few enablement steps like adding an AWS or Zoom account, setting up rules, configuring an asset and more. To know more, check out this link.


Sprinklr video call extend beyond the face to face call, and provides additional functionalities like call recording, call transcripts, video call insights, virtual backgrounds to improve customer engagement.


Providing seamless experience is one thing, but Sprinklr understands the importance of measuring the effectiveness and provides video call metrics which can be tracked. This will help brand to know how their video agents are doing and if this is improving customer experience. To see all available metrics, go here.