DVT Part 1: How to Create a Dynamic Video Template


Create video templates in Sprinklr's asset manager and leverage them for creating and editing videos easily.

The video templates in Sprinklr are based on the tool Adobe After Effects. These video templates can be easily created by converting an After Effects project file into a Creative Template that can be used to create videos later.

You will need to upload the .zip file containing the collected After Effects project files and then set up the template. In this article, we will review all image/video/text layers within the AE project file and mark which will be editable in the Template Editor. So let’s get started!

It is recommended to ask your designer to prepare the .zip file for upload(they can directly refer to this knowledge article to understand the requirements for preparation of the zip file: Instructions to prepare the template zip file for Dynamic Video Template)

Note: The .zip file should contain exactly one AE Project file consisting of exactly one final AE composition with the name “MAIN_COMP,” The start time of this composition should be set to 0:00:00.00.

  1. Click the New Tab icon. Under the Sprinklr Marketing (Ads) tab, click Creative Library within Plan.

  2. You will be redirected to the Digital Asset Manager (DAM) with Ad Creatives selected by default.

  3. In the top right corner of the DAM window, click Create Asset and select Dynamic Video Template.

  4. Upload the .zip file which you have received from your designer and wait till the file is uploaded and processed.

    Note: You can save the template here and close the window. And you will be notified once the zip file would be processed.

  5. Meanwhile, you can set template name, description, custom properties and other asset properties in the form.

  6. Once the zip file is processed, you will see the Setup Template button.

  1. Layers using the Color Peacock (Color Customization) preset effect will be automatically detected and displayed as color layers. 

  2. If you see any layers that have been incorrectly detected as color layers, or would like to prevent users from changing certain colors, uncheck the items to turn them into plain text layers.

  3. Remember to set the names of the colors to something that the user can easily understand in which part of the video is the color used. (See the ‘tips’ on the right side of the screen.)

  4. If you’re not entirely sure what colors affect which part of the video, name them with something temporary, advance to the next step to see the video, then come back later to enter accurate names.

  1. When making a video in the Video Editor, the user will be changing media or text using the slots set up in each ‘scenes’. As such, creating scenes at the right places is important for the user experience. Let’s start placing scenes while keeping in mind which slots will go where.

    Creating Scenes

  2. Press the play button (1) or spacebar on your keyboard to play the video. You can also drag the timeline slider (2) to quickly scrub through the video. Find an adequate spot to place scenes.

Now that we have scenes, we will add slots to them. Each scene must have at least 1 text or media slots.

Add slots to scenes

  1. First, make sure you are selecting a scene. Next, add items visible on screen that you’d like the user to be able to edit.

  2. You will see boxes marked with white dotted lines (1). These marks the predicted area positions for layers as determined by the editor. When you click on one of these, the corresponding layer will be highlighted from the list at the right (2). Thanks to this, we can be sure which layer is associated with what is inside the video.


    There may be occasions where the predicted area is offset, twisted or completely off compared to the actual element in the video. This is usually due to any animations applied on the layer — but rest assured, we can manually set the final guide area visible to the user in the next step of the editor.

  3. When you find the layer you want to add, press the Add button.

Deleting slots or moving them to another scenes

  1. If you wish to remove a slot from a scene, press the cross  button to turn it back to a layer state.

  2. If you wish to move a slot to another scene nearby, click on the arrow button. You will be given a list of scenes where the slot can be moved to.

  1. Last but not least, we’ll be setting up actual guide areas for all slots. Let’s first take a look at how a finished template looks within the Video Editor. 

  2. The text/media icon bubbles are placed automatically by the Editor, so we only have to worry about the boxes being at right positions and sizes. 

  3. When you click on the dotted areas (1) on video or slots from the list (2), the Editor will automatically apply the predicted area as the guide area. When a guide area has been set for a slot, the box borders will turn to a solid line.

    Depending on your template, there may be cases where the predicted area is good as-is. But if it is not, you can freely edit the box shape. 

  4. Click on the boxes to switch selection between different layers. Drag the shape to move it around, drag the handles at the edges to resize the shape—this should be easier said than done if you’re familiar with other graphics editing softwares.


    Remember, the goal here is to try to have the shape match the actual position of the element on video. If any part of the guide areas are placed out of the video frame bounds, the Editor will warn you of those layers. You will need to fix these areas before trying to finish the Editor.

Advanced option: anually setting maximum length of text slots

There may be occasions where the user writes too many characters into a text slot within the Video Editor, causing the text to overflow. This may cause less than ideal results in the rendered video such as text being clipped. To try to prevent these issues we can manually set the maximum text length for individual text slots—which if set, the Video Editor will display a warning message if the user enters more characters than the optimal length. 

To find the appropriate maximum text length for each case, please test with various texts with differing lengths during testing phase within After Effects, or use the Text Resize expression that automatically resizes the text size to fit into the textbox.

  1. Revisit each scene to review if all slots have been set properly. 

  2. Check if the guide areas are placed at their best positions. When you’re done, press Finish to complete the process.

Bonus: Keyboard shortcuts for an even faster workflow

Template Editor provides a number of keyboard shortcuts for frequently used actions. The keyboard shortcuts could potentially be a great time-saver for the entire process, especially when performing repeated actions such as adding layers to scenes. Click on the keyboard icon button on the top of the Editor to learn which shortcuts are available.