Content Tones Glossary


Your outbound content is classified into different tones based on AI. With the help of Sprinklr AI model, you can analyze the performance of your content by creating a widget in the Reporting Dashboard based on the following Content Tones:

Content Tones — Description

Tones Description
Accusatory Expressing accusation, or assigning blame or fault to somebody.
Acerbic Sharply or bitingly critical, harsh, corrosive, sarcastic, or ironic.
Admiring Exhibiting respect, esteem, and approval.
Aggressive An expression that is hostile, forceful, or injurious.
Ambiguous Expressing uncertainty especially from obscurity or indistinctness.
Angry Expressing anger.
Anxious Expression exhibiting concern, worry, or apprehensiveness.
Apologetic Feeling or showing regret; Regretfully acknowledging fault or failure; expressing an apology.
Arrogant Exhibiting an offensive attitude of superiority; proceeding from arrogance.
Awestruck Expressing amazement.
Boastful Expression exhibiting excessive pride; expression filled with extravagant praise for oneself.
Challenging Expression arousing competitive interest, thought, or action.
Concerned Expressing worry, solicitude, or anxiety; expressing interest.
Confident Exhibiting strong belief and assurance.
Contrasting A striking exhibition of unlikeness.
Curious Exhibiting inquisitiveness; arousing interest, speculation, or an eagerness to learn.
Defensive Expression intending to resist or prevent aggression.
Demeaning Expression intending to debase and degrade others; expression intending to lower the dignity or honor of someone.
Disapproving Having an unfavorable opinion of someone; censuring or condemning an opinion.
Empathetic Expression exhibiting a psychological understanding of the feelings, thoughts, or attitudes of others.
Encouraging Expression intended to inspire the audience to take action.
Excitement Expression intending to excite others.
Factual Expression based on facts.
Frustrated Exhibiting dissatisfaction or disappointment.
Gratitude Expression exhibiting a feeling of being grateful or thankful.
Humble Expression exhibiting deference or submission.
Humorous Expression intended to be comical or amusing.
Indifferent Expression showing no interest, enthusiasm, or concern for something; expression marked by no special like or dislike of something.
Ironic Expression intending to mean something other than and especially the opposite of the literal meaning.
Jealous A feeling of resentment against a rival; expression exhibiting intolerance towards a rival.
Joyous Expression intending to show joy.
Mocking Expression filled with contempt and derision.
Motivating Expression intended to provide a motive, or reason to do something.
Nostalgic Expression exhibiting a sentimental yearning or desire to return to a former place or time or condition.
Patriotic Expression exhibiting love or defense for one's country; exhibiting national loyalty.
Pleading Expression intended to make a plea; expression intended to appeal or entreat earnestly.
Provocative Expression intending to excite or stimulate.
Romantic Expression marked by a feeling of love; expression imbued with a feeling of romance.
Rude An expression that is offensive and discourteous.
Sadness Exhibiting unhappiness or grief.
Skepticism Exhibiting disbelief or doubt.
Succorance Expression seeking affectionate and nurturing care.
Tentative Expression exhibiting uncertainty.
Unapologetic An expression that shows no regret, remorse, or acknowledgment of fault/failure.
Urgency/Scarcity Expression intended to compel immediate action.
Witty Expression marked by or full of clever humor or wit.