Speech-to-Text Workflow for Imported Recordings


Within Sprinklr, live calls are transcribed in real-time, providing immediate access to transcripts whenever a customer connects with an agent.

Additionally, Sprinklr offers seamless integration with your existing local systems, allowing the import of call data for further analysis, insights, and quality management. The process involves importing call recordings into the Sprinklr platform from the local platform or any other system where your agents handle customer interactions. Subsequently, a speech-to-text model is applied to the imported recordings, converting spoken words into transcriptions. This capability enhances accessibility, facilitates detailed analysis, and supports various use cases.

Alternatively, users have the flexibility to define when to initiate transcription using a dedicated Queue rule in the Rule Engine. The rule creation process involves the following steps:

To Create a Queue Rule

  1. Under Conditions Applies To The source of the Message, select Message Type as Sprinklr Voice Recording.

  2. Next, under Conditions Applies To The properties of the Message, add an additional condition specifying the Sprinklr Voice Recording Type, allowing users to select whether they want to transcribe the bot or agent part of the conversation.

  3. Under Actions To Sprinklr Voice Actions, opt for the Send To STT Engine action. Select the specific Agent for whom the transcripts are intended. Specify the desired Language for the Speech-to-Text (STT) model. The rule triggers the STT engine to apply the speech-to-text model to the designated recording, generating a transcript based on user-defined parameters.

This rule-based configuration enhances efficiency and customization in managing and transcribing voice recordings within the Sprinklr platform.