Voice Recording Segmentation for Improved Governance and Access Control


As regulatory oversight tightens and data privacy concerns grow, the former practice of granting all platform users full access to voice recordings has raised issues with unauthorized access to sensitive information. This approach has complicated the enforcement of data privacy and governance standards.

To tackle these issues and enhance data governance, we have implemented advanced voice recording features. This solution offers a more controlled and compliant method for managing sensitive voice data, in line with GDPR and other data protection regulations. 


Dynamic Recording Segmentation: Our new segmentation functionality ensures that only authorized individuals—participants, managers, or auditors—can access specific voice recordings. Instead of providing end-to-end access, this system divides recordings based on participant activity. When a participant, such as a new agent, joins or leaves a call, a new segment is created. Each user can only access segments they are authorized for, preventing unauthorized viewing of other participants’ contributions. 


Transcript Segmentation: In addition to voice recording segmentation, transcripts are also segmented to match the recordings. Users can only access transcript portions that correspond to the segments of the recording they are permitted to view. This approach ensures consistency and restricts access to any non-authorized sections of the transcript. 

Enablement note:

To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.

Accessibility to Segments

Accessibility to segments is governed by the following fields: 

  • Manager: Agents’ managers and all users within the manager’s upward hierarchy have access to the segments of recordings related to the agent.

  • Interaction Visibility: This field allows for the selection of agents or agent groups. Users can access all segments associated with agents listed in this field.


Segment Permissions 

When multiple participants are present in the same segment of a call, accessibility is granted based on the following permissions:

  • View Segments with Transition: Allows users to view a segment if there is even one agent in that segment whose recordings the user is authorized to access.

  • View Segments without Transition: Allows users to view a segment only if all agents in that segment are ones whose recordings the user is authorized to access.

  • View All Segments: This permission provides complete access to all segments of recordings and is particularly relevant to administrators and leaders who require full visibility for oversight and analysis. If a user has this permission, they will be able to access all segments of all calls, irrespective of the values defined in the Manager/Interaction Visibility field. 

The above permissions can be accessed under: Quality Management > Recording Segments


​Segment Rendering

The segments are rendered either on the Care Console or QM View: 

  • In Care Console, segments are rendered based on the permission View Segment Recording. If this permission is not present, users will not be able to view any segment recordings in Care Console. This permission can be accessed under: Sprinklr Voice > Voice Recording

  • In the QM view, users will be able to access only the cases where there is at least one segment to which the user has access.