Voice Bot Enhancements


Please find below the new enhancements to our voice bot functionality, designed to make interactions more seamless, intelligent, and user-friendly.

  1. Dynamic Input Processing: In scenarios where a voice bot prompts customers for information and the time allotted for processing elapses before they complete their input, the enhanced functionality ensures a seamless interaction. If customers continue to provide information after the designated processing time, the voice bot will wait and process the additional input before generating a response. This enhancement prevents interruptions and allows the voice bot to consider all relevant information provided by the customer, ensuring a more accurate and context-aware response.

    For instance, if the voice bot is waiting for a credit card number and the processing time expires, but the customer continues speaking, the voice bot will wait and process the complete credit card number before generating a response.

  2. Background Noise Handling: In cases where background noise interferes with the voice bot's ability to accurately process information, a new feature has been introduced. If the system detects significant background noise during a customer interaction, a configured message will be delivered to the customer. For example, the voice bot might say, "I'm sorry, but there seems to be background noise, making it challenging for me to process the information. Could you please provide the details in a quieter environment?" This proactive communication ensures a smoother interaction, enabling customers to provide information in optimal conditions for accurate processing by the voice bot.

  3. Adaptive Prompt Duration: When the voice bot initiates a process to retrieve information from an API and plays a prompt like, "Please wait while I am fetching your details," a significant improvement has been implemented. Previously, this prompt played for a set duration, regardless of whether the information retrieval was completed earlier or later.

    Now, with the enhancement, the "Play the prompt till API execution time" toggle allows the prompt to persist until the voice bot successfully captures the information, regardless of the time taken. Whether the data is fetched promptly or takes a bit longer, the prompt dynamically adapts to ensure that customers are informed and engaged throughout the information retrieval process, leading to a more seamless and user-friendly experience.