Create and add a webform


1) Click on Guided Path within Resolve under Agent Augmentation.

2) Click on Create New Guided Workflow in the top right corner.

3) Give Name, Description and click Create

4) By clicking on the plus sign in the canvas you can get a list of actions that can be performed by adding nodes.

5) Click on plus icon and select Add Screen.

6) There are several ways to show information in a guided workflow, depending on the type of information and the context in which it is being presented. Refer the link for detailed information.

7) In a guided workflow, you can easily gather input from the user by utilizing input components available in a Screen. These components are designed to collect specific types of information from the user such as text, numbers, radio buttons, picklists etc. Refer to the link for different types of input components that are available inside a guided workflow.

8) Different system actions are supported in the guided workflow which can be used to perform various actions while making a webform.

Deploy And Run Guided Workflows

The “Save as a Draft” option in the Guided Workflow Builder saves the configuration changes without deploying the latest version of the Guided Workflow. Whereas the “Save and Deploy” button deploys the Guided Workflow and it can then be executed in the Guided Workflow Manager, Agent Console, Care Console and external platforms on which it may have been deployed.

Generate Webform Link

To Generate the webform link two things are required

1) Guided Workflow ID - Go to the guided workflow, click on edit and then copy the ID from the URL as shown in the screenshot below.

2) Application ID -

a) To generate the webform link we need to create an application by going to the following url- (Change the environment accordingly in the url)

b) After creating the application select your Guided workflow for which you need to generate the webform link inside the application.

c) Copy the Application ID

3) Webform Link -

After getting both the IDs, Replace env name, Application ID & gwID in the below link -

( ID?gwId=enter)