Wechat Reporting Glossary


In this article, we will cover the metrics that we support for WeChat.

WeChat Metrics

  • WeChat Audio Messages Count: As defined by WeChat, this is the number of user-sent messages by message type 'Audio'.

  • WeChat Audio Messages Users: As defined by WeChat, this is the number of followers who sent messages to the official account by message type 'Audio'.

  • WeChat Chat Share Count: As defined by WeChat, this is the number of times the article web page has been shared by the share type 'Shared to a Chat'.

  • WeChat Chat Share Users: As defined by WeChat, this is the number of followers who shared the article web page by share type 'Shared to a Chat'.

  • WeChat Favourite Count: As defined by WeChat, this is the number of times for article web page favourited.

  • WeChat Message Favourite Count: As defined by WeChat, this is the number of times a Post was favourited.

  • WeChat Message Favourite Count Trend: As defined by WeChat, this is the number of times a Post was favourited. This is a trend metric, presenting a value by the Date of engagement.

  • WeChat Favourite Users: As defined by WeChat, this is the number of followers who favourited the article web page.

  • WeChat Message Favourite Users: As defined by WeChat, this is the number of followers who favourited a Post.

  • WeChat Message Favourite Users Trend: As defined by WeChat, this is the number of followers who favourited a Post. This is a trend metric, presenting a value by the Date of engagement.

  • WeChat Followers: The number of Fans of your WeChat Account.

  • WeChat Followers By Account Query Per Day: As defined by WeChat, this is the number of followers added by method type 'Account Query' (queried official account) per day.

  • WeChat Followers By Account Search Per Day: As defined by WeChat, this is the number of followers added by method type 'Account Search' (searched account name (searched on the Add Contacts screen) per day.

  • WeChat Followers By Menu Per Day: As defined by WeChat, this is the number of followers added by method type 'Menu' (top-right menu within web view) per day.

  • WeChat Followers By Name Card Per Day: As defined by WeChat, this is the number of followers added by method type 'Name Card' (shared name card) per day.

  • WeChat Followers By Others Per Day: As defined by WeChat, this is the number of followers added by method type 'Other' per day.

  • WeChat Followers By QR Code Per Day: As defined by WeChat, this is the number of followers added by method type 'QR Code' (scanned QR code) per day.

  • WeChat Followers Per Day: The number of Fans added to your WeChat account on the specified date. This is a trend metric, presenting a value by the Date of engagement.

  • WeChat Image Messages Count: As defined by WeChat, this is the number of user-sent messages by message type 'Image'.

  • WeChat Image Messages Users: As defined by WeChat, this is the number of followers who sent messages to the official account by message type 'Image'

  • WeChat Message Click Count: As defined by WeChat, this is the number of times followers clicked 'Read More' on a Post.

  • WeChat Message Click Count Trend: As defined by WeChat, this is the number of times followers clicked 'Read More' on a Post. This is a trend metric, presenting a value by the Date of engagement.

  • WeChat Message Click Users: As defined by WeChat, this is the number of followers who clicked 'Read More' on a Post.

  • WeChat Message Click Users Trend: As defined by WeChat, this is the number of followers who clicked 'Read More' on a Post. This is a trend metric, presenting a value by the Date of engagement.

  • WeChat Message Read Count: As defined by WeChat, this is the number of times followers clicked 'Read All' on a Post.

  • WeChat Message Read Count Trend: As defined by WeChat, this is the number of times followers clicked 'Read All' on a Post. This is a trend metric, presenting a value by the Date of engagement.

  • WeChat Message Read Users: As defined by WeChat, this is the number of followers who clicked 'Read All' on a Post.

  • WeChat Message Read Users Trend: As defined by WeChat, this is the number of followers who clicked 'Read All' on a Post. This is a trend metric, presenting a value by the Date of engagement.

  • WeChat Message Share Count: As defined by WeChat, this is the number of times a post was shared.

  • WeChat Message Share Count Trend: As defined by WeChat, this is the number of times a post was shared. This is a trend metric, presenting a value by the Date of engagement.

  • WeChat Message Share Users: As defined by WeChat, this is the number of followers who share a Post.

  • WeChat Message Share Users Trend: As defined by WeChat, this is the number of followers who share a Post. This is a trend metric, presenting a value by the Date of engagement.

  • WeChat Message Stat Date: As defined by WeChat, this is the date of the data statistics.

  • WeChat Message Target User: As defined by WeChat, this is the number of targeted users, usually equal to the total number of followers (minus followers added to the blacklist or who failed to receive messages due to abnormal operation).

  • WeChat Message Target User Trend: As defined by WeChat, this is the number of targeted users, usually equal to the total number of followers (minus followers added to the blacklist or who failed to receive messages due to abnormal operation). This is a trend metric, presenting a value by the Date of engagement.

  • WeChat Message Title: As defined by WeChat, this is the Title of the rich media message.

  • WeChat Moments Share Count: As defined by WeChat, this is the number of times the article web page has been shared by the share type 'Shared to Moments'.

  • WeChat Moments Share Users: As defined by WeChat, this is the number of followers who shared the article web page by share type 'Shared to Moments'.

  • WeChat Original Page Read Count: As defined by WeChat, this is the number of views of the article web page.

  • WeChat Original Page Read Users: As defined by WeChat, this is the number of followers who viewed the original web page (by clicking "Read more" on the article web page), 0 if there is no original web page.

  • WeChat Other Message Count: As defined by WeChat, this is the number of user-sent messages by message type 'Other'.

  • WeChat Other Message Users: As defined by WeChat, this is the number of followers who sent messages to the official account by message type 'Other'.

  • WeChat Other Share Count: As defined by WeChat, this is the number of times the article web page has been shared by the share type 'Shared to Other'.

  • WeChat Other Share Users: As defined by WeChat, this is the number of followers who shared the article web page by share type 'Other'.

  • WeChat Page Read Count: As defined by WeChat, this is the number of views of the article web page.

  • WeChat Page Read Users: As defined by WeChat, this is the number of followers who viewed the article web page (by clicking the rich media message).

  • WeChat Text Messages Count: As defined by WeChat, this is the number of user-sent messages by message type 'Text'.

  • WeChat Text Messages Users: As defined by WeChat, this is the number of followers who sent messages to the official account by message type 'Text'.

  • WeChat Un-Followers By Account Query Per Day: As defined by WeChat, this is the number of unfollows by method type 'Account Query' (queried official account) per day.

  • WeChat Un-Followers By Account Search Per Day: As defined by WeChat, this is the number of unfollows by method type 'Account Search' (searched account name (searched on the Add Contacts screen) per day.

  • WeChat Un-Followers By Menu Per Day: As defined by WeChat, this is the number of unfollows by method type 'Menu' (top-right menu within web view) per day.

  • WeChat Un-Followers By Name Card Per Day: As defined by WeChat, this is the number of unfollows by method type 'Name Card' (shared name card) per day.

  • WeChat Un-Followers By Others Per Day: As defined by WeChat, this is the number of unfollows by method type 'Other' per day.

  • WeChat Un-Followers By QR Code Per Day: As defined by WeChat, this is the number of unfollows by method type 'QR Code' (scanned QR code) per day.

  • WeChat Un-Followers Per Day: The number of Fans that have unfollowed your WeChat Account on the specified date.

  • WeChat Video Messages Count: As defined by WeChat, this is the number of followers who sent messages to the official account by message type 'Video'.

  • WeChat Weibo Share Count: As defined by WeChat, this is the number of times the article web page has been shared by the share type 'Shared to Weibo'.

  • WeChat Weibo Share Users: As defined by WeChat, this is the number of followers who shared the article web page by share type 'Shared to Weibo'.

  • WeChat Readers from Chat: As defined by WeChat, it is the number of readers of the message from the Official Account chat.

  • WeChat Reads from Chat Count: As defined by WeChat, it is the number of times a message is read from the Official Account chat.

  • WeChat Readers for Message History: As defined by WeChat, it is the number of readers of the message from the Message History page.

  • WeChat Reads from Message History Count: As defined by WeChat, it is the number of times a message is read from the Message History page.

  • WeChat Readers from Moments: As defined by WeChat, it is the number of readers of the message from the Moments.

  • WeChat Reads from Moments Count: As defined by WeChat, it is the number of times a message is read from the Moments.

  • WeChat Readers of Forwards by Friends: As defined by WeChat, it is the number of readers of the forwarded articles by Weixin friends.

  • WeChat Forwards by Friends Reads Count: As defined by WeChat, it is the number of reads of the forwarded articles by Weixin friends.

  • WeChat Readers from Other sources: As defined by WeChat, it is the number of readers of the message from the other sources.

  • WeChat Reads from Other sources Count: As defined by WeChat, it is the number of times a message is read from other sources.

  • WeChat Users Forwarding from Chat to Moments: As defined by WeChat, it is the number of users who forwarded the article from an Official Account Chat to Moments.

  • WeChat Forwards from Chat to Moments Count: As defined by WeChat, it is the number of times an article is forwarded from an Official Account Chat to Moments.

  • WeChat Users Forwarding from Moments to Moments: As defined by WeChat, it is the number of users who forwarded the article from Moments to Moments.

  • WeChat Forwards from Moments to Moments Count: As defined by WeChat, it is the number of times an article is forwarded from Moments to Moments.

  • WeChat Users Forwarding from Other Sources to Moments: As defined by WeChat, it is the number of users who forwarded the article from other sources to Moments.

  • WeChat Forwards from Other Sources to Moments Count: As defined by WeChat, it is the number of times an article is forwarded from other sources to Moments.

  • WeChat Followers For QR Code: The number of followers gained by scanning the QR code.

  • WeChat QR Code Scans: The number of times the QR code was scanned by the followers.

WeChat Dimensions

  • WeChat Message Stat Date: As defined by WeChat, this is the date of the data statistics.

  • WeChat Message-Id: As defined by WeChat, this is the composition of msg-id (rich media message-id) and index (article index). Such as 12003_3, 12003 indicates the rich media message ID, 3 indicated the article index within the rich media message, assuming that this rich-media message includes five articles.

  • WeChat Message Title: As defined by WeChat, this is the Title of the rich media message.

  • QR Code Scene: The content of the WeChat QR code.

Deprecated WeChat Metrics and Dimensions

  • Language: This dimension is pulled directly from the WeChat API describing the Fan's Language settings in their user profile.

  • WeChat City: This dimension is pulled directly from the WeChat API describing the Fan's City location in their user profile.

  • WeChat Country: This dimension is pulled directly from the WeChat API describing the Fan's State location in their user profile.

  • WeChat State: This dimension is pulled directly from the WeChat API describing the Fan's State location in their user profile.

  • WeChat Female Followers By City: The number of female Fans of your WeChat Account is broken down by City. This metric should be used in conjunction with the Dimension WeChat City.

  • WeChat Female Followers By Country: The number of female Fans of your WeChat Account is broken down by Country. This metric should be used in conjunction with the Dimension WeChat Country.

  • WeChat Female Followers By Language: The number of female Fans of your WeChat Account broken down by Language. This metric should be used in conjunction with the Dimension Language.

  • WeChat Female Followers By State: The number of female Fans of your WeChat Account is broken down by State. This metric should be used in conjunction with the Dimension WeChat State.

  • WeChat Female Followers Per Day: The number of female Fans added to your WeChat Account on the specified date. This is a trend metric, presenting a value by the Date of engagement.

  • WeChat Followers By City: The number of Fans of your WeChat Account broken down by City. This metric should be used in conjunction with the Dimension WeChat City.

  • WeChat Followers By Country: The number of Fans of your WeChat Account broken down by Country. This metric should be used in conjunction with the Dimension WeChat Country.

  • WeChat Followers By Language: The number of Fans of your WeChat Account broken down by Language. This metric should be used in conjunction with the Dimension Language.

  • WeChat Followers By State: The number of Fans of your WeChat Account broken down by State. This metric should be used in conjunction with the Dimension WeChat State.

  • WeChat Male Followers By City: The number of male Fans of your WeChat Account is broken down by City. This metric should be used in conjunction with the Dimension WeChat City.

  • WeChat Male Followers By Country: The number of male Fans of your WeChat Account is broken down by Country. This metric should be used in conjunction with the Dimension WeChat Country.

  • WeChat Male Followers By Language: The number of male Fans of your WeChat Account broken down by Language. This metric should be used in conjunction with the WeChat Language.

  • WeChat Male Followers By State: The number of male Fans of your WeChat Account is broken down by State. This metric should be used in conjunction with the Dimension WeChat State.

  • WeChat Male Followers Per Day: The number of male Fans added to your WeChat account on the specified date. This is a trend metric, presenting a value by the Date of engagement.