Types of Weightage in Voice Campaigns


Segment Weightage

The weightage predicts the percentage of the division of calls in memory that would be picked from each segment.

  • It depends on calls in Queue (calls in a queue with respect to Dialer, it means calls in memory) and the number of agents.

  • Since the Dialer profile is taken at the campaign level, all segments will be linked to one dialer profile.

  • If weightage is greater than or less than 100, then the weighted average of each segment will be taken (Example 2 & 3).

  • Weightage would be divided by the in-memory queue.

  • The weighted average of only Active segments will be considered. For example, if a segment is Paused/Completed/Stopped midway then its weight will be removed from the calculation.

Example 1:
Let's say, there are 3 segments within a Campaign.
Seg1: 40% weightage
Seg2: 30% weightage
Seg3: 30% weightage

So total calls as per weightage
Seg1 → 40%*calls in Queue = 40% calls from segment-1
Seg2 → 30%*calls in Queue = 30% calls from segment-2
Seg3 → 30%*calls in Queue = 30% calls from segment-2
Calling would be done in ratio of 4:3:3.

Example 2:
Let's say there are 3 segments within a Campaign.
Seg1: 30% weightage
Seg2: 20% weightage
Seg3: 40% weightage

So total calls as per weightage
Seg1 → (30/(30+20+40))*100 = 33.33% calls from segment-1
Seg2 → (20/(30+20+40))*100 = 22.22% calls from segment-2
Seg3 → (40/(30+20+40))*100 = 44.44% calls from segment-3

Example 3:
Let's say there are 3 segments within a Campaign.
Seg1: 40% weightage
Seg2: 70% weightage
Seg3: 50% weightage

So total calls as per weightage
Seg1 → (40/(40+70+50))*100 = 25% calls from segment-1
Seg2 → (70/(40+70+50))*100 = 43.75% calls from segment-2
Seg3 → (50/(40+70+50))*100 = 31.25% calls from segment-3

Example 4:
Let's say there are 3 segments within a Campaign.
Seg1: 40% weightage
Seg2: 70% weightage
Seg3: 50% weightage

So total calls as per weightage
Seg1 → (40/(40+70+50))*100 = 25% calls from segment-1
Seg2 → (70/(40+70+50))*100 = 43.75% calls from segment-2
Seg3 → (50/(40+70+50))*100 = 31.25% calls from segment-3

Seg3 if paused after some time.

So total calls as per weightage
Seg1 → (40/(40+70))*100 = 36.36% calls from segment-1
Seg2 → (70/(40+70))*100 = 63.63% calls from segment-2
Seg3 (Paused/Completed/Stopped) → 0 = 0 calls from segment-3

List Weightage

The weightage assigned to a segment signifies the % number of leads in the segment that will be called before it moves on to the next segment based on segment priority.

  • Segment Priority: The segment priority decides the order in which the segments in a campaign will be called.

  • List weightage and segment priority will be applied on segments of one campaign.

  • List weightage is independent of the number of ports and the number of agents.

  • List weightage and priority can be changed on runtime.


Campaign Weightage

The weightage defines the ratio in which calls would be divided within Campaigns.

  • Campaign weightage will be given on a dialer profile.

  • The sum of weightage of all campaigns should be 100%.

  • It depends on calls in queue, like Segment Weighatge.

  • If no weightage is given at segment level, Campaign weightage would equally divide calls among all segments.

  • If weightage is given at segment level, the campaign weightage would be divided according to segment weightage.

Let's say there are 3 campaigns with 2 Segments each.
Calls in Queue for all campaigns = 100

Campaign 1: 25% weightage
Campaign 2: 25% weightage
Campaign 3: 50% weightage

So total calls as per Campaign weightage
Campaign 1→ 25%*calls in Queue = 25
Campaign 2→ 25%*calls in Queue = 25
Campaign 3→50%*calls in Queue = 50

Calling would be done in ratio of 1:1:2

Weightage within segments
Campaign 1, 2 segments

Segment 1: 4%
Segment 2: 96%

Out of 25 calls, 1 call would go to Segment 1 and 24 calls would go to Segment 2.

No weightage within segments 

Campaign 3, 2 segments

Segment 1
Segment 2

50 calls of Campaign 3, would be equally divided among both the segments.


This is not a limitation. We fetch calls in memory and batch size is 100.

Remaining calls won't be made till the campaign starts again.

This is with respect to Dialers. Generally one campaign will have one dialer and hence can be assumed segment wise.

The agents should be able to take 100 calls in 2 minutes because after 2 minutes if the calls in the queue are still remaining then these will be dumped and the dialer will fetch new calls to make (queue size of 100).

It will immediately fetch 100 more calls and would apply weightage on it.

In List weightage, the weightage of 1 segment is given out of 100%. Order of calling depends on Priority.

Segment Weightage is weightage of calls in memory. If weightage is greater than or less than 100, then weighted average of each segment will be taken.

Those records will move out of the queue and will again be added in the subsequent queue if they match the criteria (based on sorting, weightage).

100 calls will be dialed. It will do 25 sets of 100 calls but it will be instantaneous, the agents won't be idle at any point of time.

It will add 100 more calls in the queue as soon as 100 calls are dialed.

No, you cannot.

If you edit segment weightage on runtime in a segment, it would be applied from the next cycle.

Yes, it will work.