What are Ads Restricted Metrics?


In Ads Reporting, administrators can give users or user groups access to only see data points related to clicks and impressions, but not see data related to specific metrics like Spend, CPM, Total Spend, etc. This separation of data is very important to large clients who do not want certain users to see sensitive CPM data or spend. You can also restrict date ranges on Shared Dashboards using this capability. Agencies can restrict data so that clients do not have the ability to see historical data.

Before You Begin

You must have the Platform Permission enabled to access Restricted Metrics in Ads Reporting.

Use Cases

  • Administrators doesn't want certain users or user groups to see sensitive data related to Spend, CPM, Total Spend etc.

  • Administrators or Ads Media Manager doesn't want certain users or user groups to see certain data which reveals confidential information.