Sprinklr Marketing: Patch Changes (18.11.1)


Sprinklr's latest release offers exciting new capabilities designed to empower your business to create meaningful customer experiences at every touchpoint. Read about Sprinklr's latest platform enhancements below!

Sprinklr Marketing

Sprinklr Service

Sprinklr Insights

Sprinklr Service

Unified Platform

UX Changes


Ads Composer  

Ads Composer | Sprinklr AI+ | Content Generation & Rewording for FB Dynamic Product Ads 

Now Sprinklr AI+ is available for content generation and modification for Facebook DPA ads where certain variable values are pulled from the feed. The model will generate/modify static portion of the text while keeping the dynamic portion in curly braces for the user to simply replace them with the corresponding column of the feed.  


Ads Composer | Co-Branded campaigns for Instagram Ads 

Now, users can run co-branded campaigns on Instagram just like Facebook using the Ads composer.  


Ads Composer | Co-Branded campaigns for Facebook PAC Ads 

Users can use co-branded capabilities in Facebook PAC ads while publishing from Sprinklr platform. 

Ads Composer | Sprinklr AI+ support for Google Ads 

Now, user can use Sprinklr AI+ support in Google Demand Gen Ads for generating ad content using Chat GPT prompts.  

Ads Audience Manager

Ads Audience Manager | Facebook Video Audience Parity 

For Meta, Custom Audiences can now be built from users who have watched at least 15 seconds of your video, or completed watching it, based on the ThruPlay measure. You can choose which videos the audiences are built from. This can then be used for more focused retargeting. 

Ads Audience Manager | Google Ads - Audience Manager Support Addition 

User can now create an audience in the audience manager under the custom audience section. Audience types included in the custom audience are Website visitors, new customer list, Custom combination and Interest or Purchase intentions. 

Ads Reporting

Ads Reporting | Date Aggregation Options for widgets 

Now while viewing data in widgets, all date aggregation options for the widget will be present regardless of the selected date range. Previously, users were only allowed to aggregate on levels lesser than the date range thus hampering users to aggregate data on all levels. 


Ads Reporting | Ads Adoption Tracking Phase 2 

Users can now leverage Ads Adoption Tracking, which prioritizes comprehensive tracking of all advertising features. This upgrade significantly enriches the tracking capabilities within Sprinklr's Ads Suite, enabling users to monitor the adoption of various features more effectively and in detail. 

Ads Reporting | Ad Account filtering in Inbound Analytics 

Ad Account dimension has been exposed in the Inbound Analytics engine similar to the Paid Engine. This helps to provide users the information of the Page account with which a particular post is associated with. 


Social Accounts

Ad Accounts | Reddit - New Ad account addition flow 

Now, for Reddit Ads, users can add their Reddit ad accounts into Sprinklr through their already logged-in native accounts. 


Quick Ads Publish

Quick Ads Publish| Introduction of New Objectives for Meta in Quick Ads Publisher 

Now, user can publish ads using New Objectives for Meta directly from the Quick Ads Publisher window. 


Macros | Apply Sprinklr Campaigns via Reverse Naming Conventions 

The Reverse Naming Convention tool can now be used to apply Sprinklr Campaigns to Paid Initiatives. This works by looking for strings in the Paid Initiative name that match a Campaign name, based on their position in the Naming Convention. Previously, this only worked for Custom Fields. This allows for easier and more complete retro-tagging of Paid Initiatives. 

Rule Engine

Additional Options in Auto Boost Rules 

Auto Boost Rules now include the Reach objective for X, and for Meta the option to control Destination Type and Device Placement when boosting posts. This gives users more control over exactly where their ads appear and where they will drive users when using Auto Boost Rules. 

Rule Engine | Pausing ads without Logos using Paid Rules 

Users now can pause ads containing un-enriched creative that are not brand-compliant using the Rule Engine. This feature utilizes a new field called 'Enrichment Status,' which includes two parameters at the ad variant level: 'Creative Insights: Logo Present' and 'Creative Insights: Brand Present.' The 'Enrichment Status' field can take on values of True or False, indicating whether the creatives in the ad variant are enriched.