Sprinklr Marketing: 19.2 Capabilities and Enhancements


Sprinklr's latest release offers exciting new capabilities designed to empower your business to create meaningful customer experiences at every touchpoint. Read about Sprinklr's latest platform enhancements below.

Navigation Tips

Read through the release notes below or click on a Product title to jump to a particular Product page of the Release Notes. For quick navigation to a specific feature within the Product, click on the feature name on the right. To dive deep into certain capabilities, hover over the linked articles to open the article in a separate tab. Some release notes will be informational one-liners, and the action cursor will not appear. Enjoy!

Sprinklr Marketing

Sprinklr Insights

UX Changes



Campaigns | Improved Campaign Creation

The newly redesigned user interface for campaign creation allows users to view Campaign Summary before it is created. The two step process enables users to verify the details of their campaign before saving it. You can now also add a Campaign Banner while creating campaigns.

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Campaigns | Improved Campaign Details Window

You can now easily view, edit and collaborate your campaigns using the new, optimized Campaign Details window. All tabs in the interface are consolidated under a single header on the left navigation bar, optimizing visual real-estate for smaller screens and allowing more screen space to be devoted to actual campaign details.

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Integrations| SharePoint Integration

Sprinklr now integrates with SharePoint and OneDrive. You can upload assets to campaigns, sub-campaigns and messages directly using SharePoint or OneDrive by authenticating your Microsoft account with Sprinklr.  

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Editorial Calendar

Editorial Calendar | Advanced Filtering Support for Planner

You can now filter messages, campaigns and sub-campaigns in the Editorial Calendar using custom date ranges.

After choosing a Calendar View (Yearly, Quaterly, Monthly, Weekly, Daily) users can enable filtering according to a custom date range within the chosen view. You can also save the filtered range along with the custom field in a view.

​Additionally, you can now add advanced filters in Calendar Boards and in Quick Filters.

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Enablement Note: Please work with your Success Manager to enable the filtering of paid initiatives and events along with campaigns in all Calendar Views.

Editorial Calendar | Calendar Exports

You can now view up to 5 images attached to a post in Editorial Calendar view. You can also view the images when exporting the Editorial Calendar as a PDF.

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Value Add Features

Campaign QA Checklist

What does it do? 

Users can define a QA checklist for ads right within Sprinklr. Every campaign from the account gets automatically validated against this checklist, speeding up the typically manual QA process, and providing an extra layer of governance for brands. 

How does it add value? 

The QA process is typically manual, with teams verifying against checklists built on Excel or other external tools. Brands and agencies spend a lot of time with this process, and still run the risk of off-brand advertising. With QA checklists integrated within Sprinklr and automatically applied to campaigns, teams can speed up the QA process and ensure on-brand ads, every time. 


Note: This capability will be partially available with the 19.2 release, and is DP controlled.

Automated Bid Multiplier

What does it do? 

It allows the user to guide budget in the right audience segment by automatically ingesting ad reports and allotting weightages to these segmented audiences.  

How does it add value? 

The user currently manually updates bid weights according to their segmented audience by manually analysing reporting widgets for opportunities. In the bid multiplier screen, allow the user to analyse audience segments for four primary parameters which are Age, Gender, Home Location, User Device. 

Ads Composer

Ads Composer | LinkedIn Parity - Spotlight Ad Format 

Now Sprinklr Supports Spotlight Ads. These ads, visible on desktop devices, personalize content using LinkedIn profile data, such as profile photos, company names, or job titles. 

Ads Composer | Twitter Media Polls

Users can now publish X Media polls from Sprinklr. X Polls allow you to weigh in on questions posed by other people on X. You can also easily create your own poll and see the results instantly.​

Ads Composer | Facebook - Adding calls as destination type for Engagement objective

Now, calls as destination type in Engagement new objective can be used in Sprinklr 

Ads Audience Manager

Ads Audience Manager | Support for Lookalike Audience 

With the introduction of Google Ads V15 APIs, now users can create lookalike audiences for Demand Gen campaigns.  


Rule Engine

Additional Paid Pre-Publishing Rule Conditions & Actions 

New conditions and actions are available in Paid Pre Publishing Rules. In particular, users can now set up Rules to apply Sprinklr Campaigns & Sub-Campaigns, set Destination Type and apply Tracking Pixels automatically while building ads in Composer. This should help users to build ads more efficiently. 

Bulk Import

Ability to Schedule AV Based on Time Zones in Bulk Imports 

In Bulk import, the option to include Ad Variant Time Zone has been added, so that Ad Scheduling by time zone for Meta ads can be done at scale. 

Bulk Import | Updating Custom Fields using Bulk Import workflow 

Now, users can export only the desired fields from multiple channels/objectives in 1 tab. And when importing, they will be able to update the Custom Fields. 


Editorial Calendar

Dynamic & PAC ad posts now correctly marked as Dark in Editorial Calendar 

For Meta, Dynamic & Placement Asset Customization posts are now correctly identified as being Dark Posts, which allows for easier filtering in the Editorial Calendar and Organic Social Analytics Reporting. 

Ads Reporting

Ad Creation Source Values Relabelled 

For Ads Adoption Reporting, the values of the dimension “Source Creation Type” have been renamed to make it clearer where ads have been made. Additional values such as Auto Boost Rules and Manual Boosting have been added.