Sprinklr Social: Patch Changes (19.5.2)


Sprinklr's latest release introduces a range of exciting new capabilities aimed at empowering your business to create more meaningful customer experiences across all touchpoints. Here are the key features included in Sprinklr's latest release:

Note: The content on this page is subject to change until July 15, 2024.

Sprinklr Social

Sprinklr Service

Sprinklr Insights

Sprinklr Marketing

Unified Platform


Distributed | Bulk Messaging Notifications Support for Distributed Users 

When a bulk message is sent, the Distributed user receives a notification (desktop as well as mobile) that contains a link to download a report. This report on bulk messaging (the same message being sent to multiple contacts simultaneously) includes details like Contact Name, Number, Message Status (Success/Failed), Error reason (if it exists), etc.  

Distributed | Availability of Reporting for Bulk Messaging in Distributed 

Distributed users can view details on the message that is sent to multiple contacts simultaneously. The reporting on bulk messaging include the following details.  


  1. Volume of messages (Sent, Failed, Rejected ) - Outbound Analytics 

  2. Volume of published messages - Social Analytics 

  3. Details of each individual message (Outbound message, contact name, Success/failure status, error reason, link clicks and all outbound properties tagged to the post) - Social Analytics and Outbound Analytics

    Inbound Count- Inbound copies of all outbound messages sent to profiles/contacts(1:1 manual messages and only child copies in bulk messaging) - Inbound Analytics


Engagement | Ability to Block Profile in the Third Pane 

You can now block or unblock a profile directly from the third pane in the Engagement Dashboard. This functionality will make it intuitive for the customer, and save time and effort. 
This feature is currently supported for the following channels: 

  • Facebook 

  • Sina Weibo 

  • Kakao Talk  

Engagement | Account / Account Group Filter Update

Users can now select both individual accounts and account groups when creating engagement columns for a more streamlined and flexible engagement management experience for the Channel specific columns.

This update provides user with the ability to tailor your engagement dashboard more precisely to their needs, offering better oversight and quicker access to the accounts most relevant to their daily operations. Whether they are managing a few select accounts or multiple groups, setting up your engagement columns is now more intuitive and effective.

Engagement | Revamped Third Pane in Engagement Dashboards

The third pane in Sprinklr is designed to help teams quickly and easily access the information they need to provide effective social media engagement and customer support. By providing additional context and information about each message or post, teams can better understand customer needs and respond in a timely and relevant manner.

The new third pane is specially designed to enhance the experience of users with easier navigation and improved collaboration. In the new message/case/outbound and profile third pane allow's sidebar navigation, allowing users to quickly access case/message details and perform actions in a single click.


Reporting | Introducing New Metrics for Reporting on Facebook Reels

We have updated our metrics to align with the recent changes in the Facebook Reel Plays API. Here’s what you need to know:

  • Facebook Post Initial Reel Plays

    • Definition: The number of times your reel starts to play after an impression is counted. This metric includes reel sessions with 1 millisecond or more of playback and excludes replays.

    • UI Update: This metric replaces the previous "Facebook Total Reel Play Count" metric.

  • Facebook Post Reel Replays

    • Definition: The number of times your reel starts to play again after the initial play. Replays are defined as plays of 1 millisecond or more in the same reel session.

  • Facebook Post Total Reel Plays

    • Definition: The total number of times your reel starts to play after an impression is counted, including both initial plays and replays. This metric counts reel sessions with 1 millisecond or more of playback.

Note: Please note that the names of the metrics currently plotted on the UI will change accordingly. These changes are made to ensure that our metrics provide the most accurate and relevant data.