Unified Platform & Cross-Products: 19.8 Capabilities and Enhancements


Sprinklr's latest release introduces a range of exciting new capabilities aimed at empowering your business to create more meaningful customer experiences across all touchpoints. Here are the key features included in Sprinklr's latest release:

Note: These are preliminary release notes and may undergo changes till the release (Aug 24-31, 2024).

Display / Presentations 

Display | Real-time visual cues for Agent & KPIs monitoring for contact centers 

For command centers used to monitor contact-centers performance, new visual cues help supervisors to keep track of agent activities and KPIs. Set up custom rules and conditions for icon sets, background colors and blips to different agent statuses like, on a call, busy or unavailable assisting to monitor in real time with just one glance. 

Presentations | Enhancement to Presentation analytics  

Easily gauge the total views on your presentations directly from the presentations manager and external shareable URLs to understand if it has been reviewed by the recipients. Additionally, the total number of downloads for a presentation is now available in “Share” screen. 

Display & Presentations | New enhanced dynamic style kits 

Style kits allow you to save branding guidelines such as color pallet, typography like fonts and other visual elements as templates. Now with dynamic style kits, easily apply them across multiple slides and presentations streamlining workflows and managing consistent designs while updating or distributing them. 

Display & Presentations | Ability to create or update style kits from existing widgets/styles 

Easily create a new or update existing style kits directly which now dynamically updates and gets applied across presentations/storyboards directly while setting up new widgets. 

Display & Presentations | Ability to have conditional formatting applied for analytical charts 

Support for conditional formatting visual cues is now available for analytical chart types (Bar/Column) where the label or data segments can be highlighted to catch deviations from normal workflows. 

Display & Presentations | New Copy/Design Format 

From the widget toolbar, on the bottom right, formatting of the styles and design tunable and can be easily copied and then applied across target widgets ensuring consistent branding across widgets and set everything up quickly reducing time to setup and delivery for any new additions and changes. 

Display & Presentations | Move and manage multiple widgets together 

Easily set up and move multiple widgets together reducing time to setup and insights. Simply press CMD (or CNTRL) key and select the desired widgets to drag and move them together. Additionally, further actions like copy/cut and paste can be done for these widget groups from one slide to another. 

Display & Presentations | Align and distribute multiple widgets together  

While multiple widgets are selected, new align options in layout tab helps to organize them across slides and scenes in an orderly fashion, reducing overall time in setting up your storytelling perfectly. 

Display & Presentations | Ability to have default data presets 

While creating global data presets for presentations/storyboards, now users can configure one of them to be default, so next time when a new widget is created it automatically configures the data engine and filters improving efficiency. 

Display & Presentations | Dynamically update date aggregation intervals for analytical charts 

With the new “Auto” mode for date dimensions, analytical charts can dynamically update the time aggregation and intervals. Next time when the time range is updated for all widgets (globally), it dynamically updates the visualization without requiring them to adjust every time. 

Display & Presentations | Ability to highlight and select MAX/MIN values for conditional formatting rules 

With support for MAX/MIN conditions for metrics while setting up rules, supervisors can now easily glance at the next available agents to take call (MAX of “IDLE” user state) or highlight the range of deviations for KPIs. 

CRM Connector

CRM Connector | Gen AI Case Summary and Agent Assist

Within Sprinklr's iFrame in CRM, agents can now utilize the GenAI case summary button. Agents can use this button to generate a summary of the conversation with the customer.

CRM Connector | Pub/Sub API Support

Sprinklr now supports Salesforce's new Pub/Sub API, which consolidates event publishing, subscribing, schema requests, and topic information into one comprehensive API.  

CRM Connector | Revamp of User Mapping

Enterprises can now map newly onboarded Sprinklr users to their CRM users or update the existing mapped users by utilizing the newly introduced UI. 

ServiceNow | Profile Synchronization

Now the agent can select the profiles (consumer) in ServiceNow while creating the ServiceNow cases from Sprinklr and synchronize customer fields of consumer 

ServiceNow | Default Use

Now we can choose the default user to authenticate the OAuth connection between Sprinklr and ServiceNow from the user added in the application 

Support to set multiple fields (standard / custom) in Sprinklr asset from and DAMs asset's field mapping

When Importing Metadata properties for assets from your native DAM solutions, you can now add one to many Mapping and thus populate Multiple Sprinklr fields with one DAM asset field 

User Mapping from AEM to Sprinklr Users for better governance  

You can now add User Mapping from AEM to Sprinklr to govern Asset permissions and visibility in Sprinklr for better Governance 


Slack Notifications for Platform Events 

Users can now be notified on their Slack bot installed in a particular workspace for platform events and Configure notifications to take actions directly from Slack.  



Profile List Update: Using this API, you can update the client (workspace-level) and partner (customer-level) profile lists associated with an audience profile

Use Cases: 

  1. Save profiles with common attributes within the updated workspace/customer level profile lists 

  2. The updated profile lists can be used as an audience segment 

  3. Trigger customer journeys based on profile lists 

  4. Audience targeting for channels such as email, SMS, and Whatsapp 


Update Agent Status: Using this API, you can update the agent’s availability status.  The status will be stored within "spr_user_availability_status" custom fields

Use Cases:  


  1. Gives global admins the capability to update the agent status from backend 

  2. Gives agent the capability to update their own aavailability status 


Fetch Metrics & Dimensions: Using this API, you can fetch all the metrics and dimensions for the given reports name and engine 


  1. Analyze the available metrics and dimensions for various reporting types and engines 

  2. Gives insights into available metrics and dimensions available for plotting across reporting widgets 



Create Email API: Using this API, you can create an inbound message and send emails using attachments from URL and from local 

Use Cases: 


  1. Ability to create an inbound message, based on which you can perform further actions such case creation 

  2. Send emails with or without attachments  

  3. Ingest data in Sprinklr as a fan message/brand message 

  4. Send brand messages and associate it with an email case  


Apply Macro: using this API, you can automate applying macros on entities such as cases, outbound messages, user generated content, profile, campaigns, etc. 

Use Cases: 


  1. Automate applying macros to cases, profiles, UGC content, campaigns, outbound messages, tasks, sub campaigns, media assets, and social accounts 

  2. Eliminates the need to manually apply macros thus increasing the agent’s productivity  

  3. Enable automation for performing complex actions on the given entity types 


Asset Import Async: Using this API, you can asynchronously import assets within Sprinklr. You can track the import status using the task API 


  1. Import large size media assets within Sprinklr using its URL 

  2. Use the imported asset URLs across case create, comment create, email, or publishing APIs 

  3. Use the imported asset URLs as an input to create asset API, which helps add the media asset to Sprinklr’s Digital Asset Management platform (DAM) 


UGC Stream Data: Now, you can also fetch the UGC (user generated content) data from the engagement dashboard using stream API 

Use Cases:  


  1. Fetch messages and metadata associated with messages and media content sourced from your audience 

  2. Analyze and review the performance of UGC content plotted on an engagement dashboard 


Update Message/Queue Sentiment: Using this API, you can update the queue and sentiment details for the given message details

Use Cases: 


  1. Automate updating partner queue details and sentiment of a message  



Create Paid Initiative: Using this API, you can create paid initiatives  

Use Cases: 


  1. Create ad campaigns that can be published for increasing brand reach 

  2. Drive traffic to a website or landing page, increase brand awareness, and generate leads or sales 


Report Custom Metrics Read: using this APi, you can fetch all the custom metrics for the given report name and reporting engine

Use Cases: 


  1. Fetch all the custom-made dynamic metrics created based on industry-standard norms and business use cases.  

  2. Collect and analyze metrics that reporting doesn’t track automatically