Deflection with authentication


Brands can also integrate an authentication flow between social and live chat; which can happen primarily when:

  • Brands want to verify customer’s identity before getting into a conversation with them

  • Brands want to pull CRM data and get customer information before getting into a conversation with them

Integrating the authentication layer will require additional project scoping and in most cases involvement of the brand's IT team. Implementation timeline can take an extra week depending on the brand's agility. On top of the above-mentioned steps, further few steps will have to be incorporated: 

  1. In case of Sprinklr hosted Live Chat, brands will share OAuth details with Sprinklr which will then be integrated while creating the live chat page. 

  2. In the case of Brand hosted Live Chat, brands will integrate their user authentication in the flow from their end.

Note: This feature requires some scoping. Please reach out to your Sprinklr point of contact to setup up this integration