Disabled Account Switching in Facebook DM Replies to Prevent Publishing Failure
In today's digital landscape, effective communication with fans and customers is key to maintaining loyalty and engagement. A common feature on platforms like Facebook is the ability to send replies to fan comments privately. However, this interaction can be disrupted if you mistakenly switch to an account that the fan hasn’t engaged with, leading to message delivery failures.
To resolve this issue, we have introduced a feature that disables account switching in private message/Direct message (DM).
Steps to Reply to Fan Comments
1. Navigate to Facebook Dashboard
Under the Sprinklr Social tab, click Engagement Dashboards within Engage.
From the Engagement Homescreen window, search and select your desired Facebook Dashboard.
If you don’t have an existing Facebook Dashboard, the steps to create one can be found here. And a guided article to add a Facebook posts column can be found here.
2. Navigate to the Facebook Post to Reply
On the selected Facebook (FB) dashboard, select a post with a fan comment.
At the bottom of this post, Click on Reply.
A new window for responding to the fan comment will open up on the right side of your FB Dashboard and will look like this:
3. Compose Response and Choose a Message Option
In the response window, compose your response.
Select any of the 3 response options from the Message dropdown menu. The 3 options are explained below:
Option 1: Reply
You can reply to the comment directly on the post by typing your response in the comment section. This will show up as a regular comment beneath the post. Note: This is a public response (you can see this tag:
Option 2: Comment on Post
Alternatively, you can directly comment on the specific fan's comment. This will keep the conversation tied to their original comment, allowing for a threaded discussion in the comment section. Note: This is a public response (you can see this tag:
Option 3: Message
If you prefer to reply privately, you can switch the Message option to the third dropdown menu item – Message. This option is to send a direct message (DM) to the fan. This feature ensures that the response is sent privately and not visible on the public post. Note: This is a private response (you can see this tag:
Note: For Reply (Option 1) and Comments (Option 2), you can use any account to respond. However, for DMs (Option 3), the account switcher will be disabled.
A tooltip will inform you that you must reply from the account the fan engaged with. According to Meta’s privacy policy, DMs can only be sent from the account the fan originally interacted with—attempting to switch accounts will cause the message to fail.
4. Send Message
Once you have ensured that you have selected the right account to reply with, you have 3 options to respond.
Schedule Post: You can schedule when your response gets sent to the fan using this option. Fill in the date and time to schedule a response.
Save draft: Save your response and send it later.
Send: Send your response immediately.
Note: You also have the option to Preview your response before sending.