Click Insights: Reporting


This article highlights the various types of clicks in Reporting.

In Sprinklr, Performance of Clicks can be reported for:

  • Posts that are published via Sprinklr where Sprinklr shortens the link during the publishing process, or

  • A URL that is shortened from somewhere else, provided the URL shortener account is authenticated within Sprinklr and the post is published through Native/Sprinklr.

Reporting on Clicks is possible using the below metrics:

  • Total Clicks (Bot + Non Bot): This metric displays every possible click received on a URL, including known search engines or bots crawling the social network to index content, a widget loading a photo from a link on Twitter, etc. 

    • Compatible Dimensions: Account, Post

    • Incompatible Dimensions: Auto-Import campaign

  • Estimated Clicks: This metric removes clicks from bots and displays only URL clicks by humans

  • RefURL_Clicks: This metric displays the clicks that came through other referred sites (example:

  • Referrer: This displays the Referral URL for all clicks


  • This is from Sprinklr’s URL shortener ( and will only work for those links.

  • Each link shortening provider will be different; only counts the clicks when referrers are present but they also do some other unique stuff like dropping what they think are double clicks in short succession. 

  • You can use Click Count Trend (detailed below) as a metric and then segment that data by dimensions like Referrer and User Agent. To match Twitter clicks, for example, you can limit click count to only show when Referrer =

  • User Agent will show you all of the other types of applications that are creating clicks.

  • Click Count: This metric can be used in conjunction with Click Type to create charts to show a distinction between clicks by known Bots and non-bots. In addition, it can be used with other dimensions such as Referrer to indicate the referring URL and Country, City or Region to indicate the location of the IP address of the click. This metric cannot be associated with a Published Date

    • Compatible Dimensions: Click Type, Referrer, Country, Region, City

    • Incompatible Dimensions: Published Date

  • Click Count Trend: This metric shows the clicks for the day the post was published 

    • Compatible Dimensions: Click Type, Referrer, Country, Region, City, User

    • Incompatible Dimensions: Published Date

  • Vanity URL Click Count: This metric provides an aggregate lifetime click total for a vanity URL

    • Compatible Dimensions: Click Type, Referrer, Country, Region, City

    • Incompatible Dimensions: Published Date 

Sample Custom Widgets for Click Reporting:

  • Outbound | Click Count by Referrer

    • Values: Referrer, Click Count Trend

    • Filters: Not Containing: NOREF

  • Outbound | Estimated Clicks vs. Total Clicks

    • Values: Date, Clicks w/refURL, Estimated Clicks, Total Clicks (Bot + Non Bot)

  • Outbound | Click Count by Vanity URL

    • Values: Vanity link, Vanity URL Click Count

  • Outbound | Click Count vs. % Change

    • Values: Date, Click Count Trend (SUM), Click Count Trend (PCHG)