Inbound Reporting Value Realisation



Visualize inbound sentiment using Sentiment and Inbound Count.

Understand how customers are typically interacting with your brand when they send an inbound message. For even more granularity, break sentiment out by message type. More often than not, publicly available comments/replies are positive whereas private messages are negative.

Are your customers typically inflamed or generally positive when they interact with you? Understand brand affinity and health.

Identify your most prolific fans using From User and Message Count.

Who reaches out to your brand the most? Are they an influencer, a detractor, advocate?

Know your customers, profile them and reach out to them proactively where relevant.

Add a Contact Reason inbound tag to determine which issues are the most common across your audience.

Quickly identify common issues and flag them to the relevant teams as a risk before they escalate into a crisis.

Identify manufacturing, logistical/supply chain, feature issue, etc. before they turn into a crisis.

Inbound volume.

Know how much inbound volume you have that is coming into your owned accounts over a period of time. You may also see how many distinct users make up this inbound volume.

You can identify trends when most of your activity is happening. From this, you could make staffing decisions for customer care.

Visualize volume by the social network.

Know which social networks are driving a majority of the conversation about your brand.

This allows you to think about a strategy for each social network; which social networks you may want to prioritize to drive more conversation.