Owned Channel Reporting Value Realization



Create relevant tags for your brand, product, etc.

Get granular reporting for all posts created around a specific product or initiative.

Understand how much engagement a specific product garners or how many clicks through to a specific site/shop were generated.

Create custom metrics if your brand has different meanings for standard definitions

Does your idea of Total Engagements include video views and clicks? Use custom metrics to create your own metrics.

Rather than manually calculating or weighting metrics, craft your own for a time-saving, automated approach.

Full account summaries

Know how many followers your accounts have, how many new followers you’ve gained/lost, and the total amount of inbound messages to a specific account.

Understand how well your accounts are performing. If growth is slow, formulate a plan to increase exposure.

Most engaging brand posts

By using message scorecards, gain insight into which individual posts performed the best in terms of engagements and impressions.

Understand how much engagement is happening on your posts. Know what types of content resonates with your audience.

Outbound summaries

Create widgets that contain the number of brand posts that have been published, the engagements on those posts, and the average engagements per post.

Understand how well your brand is performing from an outbound view. If you have a high amount of outbound posts but low engagement, you may want to rethink how often you publish