Stylize Listening Themes for Display


While using Listening Themes, you will not only be able to assign the theme tags to your Display but also assign color, alternative name, and an image to the theme. The style theme tags only work for chart widgets. Below, the steps to Stylize and Use the theme in Display chart widget.

Note: To learn more about getting this feature enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.

To Stylize Theme in Listening

  1. Click the New Tab icon Screen Shot 2017-09-25 at 1.52.25 PM.png and select Themes within Listening under Sprinklr Insights.

  2. On the Themes window, hover over the Options icon Space_Icon_Options (Vertical).png of the theme you want to edit and select Edit.

  3. On the Edit Theme window, scroll down to the Sprinklr Display Attributes section.Editing Sprinklr Display Attributes to Stylize the Themes

  4. From here, enter an Alternate Display Name, select a Display Color (you can use a custom HEX code) and a Display Image per your needs. Click Save in the bottom right corner to save the theme.

To Use the Stylized Theme in a Display Chart Widget

  1. After adding a Chart Widget to a Panel, select the desired Topic Tag within the Group By section under the Data tab.
    Selecting Desired Topic Tag Theme

  2. Next, from the Design tab, scroll down to the Topic/Theme Attributes section. Select Theme Color, Theme Image,​​​Opacity, Image Position or Circle Mask to customize how the stylized theme will be displayed within your widget.

    Choosing Theme Attributes