New Fan Message Warning & Auto Update


Agents can be notified of new incoming fan messages even while they are already replying to another message on the same case. This feature enables them to select the context for the reply box. The agent's interface will vary depending on whether they are responding to a prior message or if the reply box is empty.

There are two scenarios:

Reply Box is Not Empty: When the agent is composing a response to a prior message and receives a new fan message, a prompt will appear. This prompt offers the agent the option to continue replying to the original message or to address the latest message instead.

Reply Box is Empty: Since the agent is not replying to any message, the context of the reply box shall be automatically updated to the latest fan message.

Points to Remember

  • The definition of an "empty" reply box only considers whether there is manual input (text or attachment) from the agent. Auto-filled assets or signatures are not taken into account when checking the reply box's emptiness.

  • This functionality primarily applies to cases involving public messages and/or nonlinear conversations. Therefore, no prompt will be displayed for linear private conversations. For instance, if a fan sends a second direct message (DM) while the agent is responding to the first DM, no prompt will appear since linear conversations do not support contextual replies in DMs.

  • The behavior remains consistent even when switching channels. If the new message from the customer, associated with the same case, comes from a different channel, the same rule applies.

  • Agents should be strongly advised not to ignore the warning prompt as it may result in undesirable consequences, including:

    • SLA discrepancies: Ignoring the warning and intending to reply to the latest fan message may associate the reply with the previous message, leading to SLA discrepancies as the latest message remains unanswered.

    • Loss of context: Ignoring the warning could result in the reply being disconnected from the latest fan message, potentially leading to a loss of context for the fan.

    • Multi-threading: Ignoring the warning could cause the reply to be associated with a different conversation thread rather than the one the fan is currently engaged in. For example, if the warning is disregarded during channel deflection (e.g., from X to Live Chat), the agent's reply may be sent on channel X while the fan has shifted to Live Chat.

Visual Demonstration

  • A message from the customer (Fan Message 1) is displayed.

  • While the agent is composing a reply to Fan Message 1, the customer sends a second message (Fan Message 2). A prompt appears, offering the agent the option to switch context to Fan Message 2.

  • If the agent clicks "Yes," the context switches to Fan Message 2. The reply will be associated with Fan Message 2.

  • If the agent clicks "Dismiss," the context remains on Fan Message 1, and Fan Message 2 appears as a new message. The reply will be associated with Fan Message 1.

Ignoring the Prompt

If the agent ignores the prompt, it may lead to confusion and undesired outcomes:

  1. The customer sends Message 1, and the agent begins typing Brand Reply 1.

  2. While the agent is composing Brand Reply 1, the customer sends Message 2.

  3. The agent disregards the prompt and proceeds to send Brand Reply 1. As a result, Brand Reply 1 becomes associated with Message 1 on the native platform.

  4. Subsequently, when the agent sends Brand Reply 2, it will be associated with Message 2 on the native platform.

Channel Switching

Consider a case with conversations across two channels: X and Email.

  1. The agent is composing an Email response when the customer sends a message on channel X.

  2. A channel switching indicator will be displayed, accompanied by a prompt.

  3. Clicking on "Yes": The reply box will refresh, allowing the agent to respond to the latest fan message on channel X. The Email message will be discarded.

  4. Clicking on "Dismiss": The agent can continue drafting the Email. Once sent, the channel will not switch to X, remaining Email only. Subsequent messages will be sent as Emails.

  5. To reply on channel X, the agent can manually switch channels by clicking on the X icon next to the blue Email icon.