Schedule a callback from care console


Care console gives the flexibility and feasibility to perform multiple actions on a case which can help agents to solve the customer queries quickly and efficiently on a single screen. In this article we will learn how admins can configure schedule callback button on the care console.

Business Use Case

Many of the times customers often ask agents to call again regarding their queries.

  • If a customer query is taking more time than usual and the customer has prior commitments then he/she has to cut the call in between the process for the same.

  • If a call to solve a customer’s query is made but the customer is unavailable at the moment and hasn’t picked up the call. 

  • When there is some discrepancy from either the customer’s or the client’s side and call gets ended abruptly 


Depending on the conversation between the agent and the customer. Agents can schedule a callback from the care console by clicking on the Schedule Callback button. The agent can select the time of the callback, and assignment of the callback through this.

Components of the Care Console Schedule Callback node

  1. Date-Agents can select the date and time for the callback

  2. Assignment-  Agents can select the type of assignment for the callback

    1. Assign to self- The callback will be assigned to the same agent

    2. Assign to Queue- Agent can select the work queue.

    3. Assign to Agent- Agent can select a specific agent.

  3. Callback Number- This is the customer number, which will be auto-filled, and can be changed by the agent if required.

  4.  Note- Agent can write any specific note which will be highlighted on the call popup when this callback lands on an agent screen.


We can integrate a schedule callback button by the following code in the header part of the Record Page editor present in the record page:

This is the code configuration we need to add in the Record Page editor for a Schedule Callback button to appear:


"langVsTranslatedFieldValues": null,

"id": "ID_1",

"templateId": "@sprinklr/action/ScheduleCall",

"persistedId": null,

"label": "Schedule Call",

"detail": null,

"icon": "scheduleCall",

"entityType": "UNIVERSAL_CASE",

"action": null,

"props": {

"type": "ICON",

"actionParams": {

"caseNumber": "CASE_NUMBER"



"translations": null,

"children": null,

"visibility": null,

"payload": null
