Restrict Agent Performance Data in Service Reporting


The feature enables admins to configure compliance policies that limit agent data visibility in reports. It ensures organizations comply with regulations by restricting performance data unless group thresholds are met. With Threshold-Based Agent Restriction, admins can set agent count limits, and Enhanced Policy Configuration allows for easy editing, deleting, viewing, and resetting of policies. Real-time error notifications provide actionable alerts when thresholds are unmet, guiding users to adjust filters or time ranges for accurate data.

Note: This feature is DP controlled and find the DP details for enabling it:



To enable this feature in your environment, reach out to your Success Manager. Alternatively, you can submit a request at

Pre-requisites for Agent Performance Masking Configuration

  • Create Permissions Masking Permissions under Reporting.

  • You must have Agent Masking Permissions to access it.

Configuration Steps

Follow these steps to configure Agent Performance Masking: 

  1. Go to Sprinklr Services > Care Reporting (under Analyse section). 

  2. Go to Settings

  3. Click Agent Masking (under Settings Tab).

  4. Fill the details in the Agent Masking form: 

    1. Policy Name: Enter name of the policy. 

    2. User Group: Select User Group for which you want to apply policy. 

    3. Agent Threshold:  Set threshold limit

  5. Click + Mapping Policy to add multiple policies.

  6. Click Save

  7. Click Confirm Changes
    You will get to see the preview.


  • If the agent threshold is set and the number of users in the user group does not meet the threshold, an error will occur at the widget: "Aggregation data is less than the required threshold. Please extend the time range or remove user filters." Which means if the number of users in the group after selected period are insufficient to meet the threshold for data aggregation, you'll need to either adjust the time range or modify the filters to allow more users to be included in the analysis.

    Example: If the Agent threshold is set as 6 and the number of Users in the User Group would be 5 then in that case you will get an error.

  • If the User Group threshold is set differently in two policies, the lower number will be considered.

    Example: If the user group threshold is set to 6 in one policy and 5 in another, the lower number will be considered.

Manage Policies

  • Edit: The Edit Option helps to make changes to the existing policy. 

  • Delete: The Delete option helps to delete a policy. 

  • Reset: Helps to reset the change to the previous value.