Enhancing Sales with Agent Assistance


Sprinklr offers a range of methods to cater to diverse customer preferences with agent-assisted commerce that blends human interaction with digital convenience. It not only enhances the shopping experience but also contributes to higher conversion rates, customer satisfaction, and overall business success.

  1. Conversational Commerce: With integrated product catalogues brands can enable agents to provide personalised recommendations based on customer preferences, browsing history and past purchases. The customer navigation history widget in the care console can be enabled to allow the agent to have a hawk-eyed vision of the customer’s entire website navigation history which includes page URL, title, date and time. This feature will enable agents to have insights into what the customer is looking for and what they have already explored on the brand’s website. Customers can then directly choose from the recommended products or browse the whole catalogue while interacting with an agent in real-time replicating a store-like assisted experience from the comfort of their homes.

  2. Phone Support: Customers can call a dedicated support line where agents provide guidance, answer questions, and facilitate transactions over a voice call. This is particularly helpful in providing assistance for complex purchases or when customers prefer a more personal interaction. In addition to this, brands can initiate calls in an attempt to sell their products or services by  connecting a salesperson who speaks with potential clients over the phone, promotes the product or the service, and encourages them to buy it.

  3. Video Commerce: Agents can connect with customers and interact with them in real-time providing them with a store-like experience in the comfort of their homes while they can  

    1. Browse the catalogue with the customer

    2. Provide product recommendations

    3. Curate personalised carts

    4. Direct customers to checkout

    5. Apply relevant coupons and discounts

    6. Troubleshoot  


Customer’s screen 


Agent’s screen