Manage Alerts from the Alert Manager


Sprinklr's Alert Manager is a one-stop solution for easily creating and managing all your alerts. The Record manager helps you get a consolidated view of all the Alerts within the environment with the desired actionability on the alerts of your choice.

Key features of Alert Manager

  1. Using a simple Alert Creation form, you can create live alerts and get notifications. You can also add the alert mentions to a partner or client queue for seamless integration with queue rules in the rule engine.

  2. From the Alert Manager window, you can create new alerts and/or edit, delete, and/or clone the existing ones. This saves you the trouble of creating separate rules for getting email alerts.

  3. You can also activate and deactivate existing alerts from the Alert Manager window. It also allows you to perform bulk actions like deleting, enabling, and disabling multiple alerts.

  4. The following fields are exposed as columns in the Alert Manager for ease of filtering –

    • Status Enabled/disabled

    • Alert name

    • Alert Status (Active/Inactive/Setup failed)

    • Module

    • Alert category (Volumetric Alert / Smart Alert)

    • Tags

    • Description

    • Alert On (contains the Alert dimensions added within the alert configuration)

    • Created On

    • Modified On

    • Recipient Users

    • Recipient User Groups

    • Recipient E-mail IDs

  5. You can rearrange the columns of the record manager as per your requirement.

  6. You can save your filtered record manager view by creating a Quick filter.

  7. You can bulk export the alerts from the Alert Manager.

  8. Sprinklr avails configurator support for the Alert Manager.

  9. Alert Manager is permission controlled. For detailed information, see – Roles and permissions.

Roles and permissions

Alert Manager is permission controlled. There are 2 types of roles –

  • View: Users with View permission can view all the alerts that are set up in Alert Manager

  • Admin: Users with Admin permission can create a new alert or modify existing alerts