When to use Announcements?


Announcements can be created at multiple occasions like for invitation for a meeting, a task update, for any escalations, etc.

Align your team with core objectives of the day

Supervisors can use announcements to keep their agents informed about the best practices and care center objectives like SLA Target, Minimum Calls per Day, etc. By tracking the status of announcement, supervisor can make sure whether every agent is up to date.

Send reminders of meetings

Announcements like “Sales Call at 4 PM today” can be sent to agent/agent groups to notify/remind the agents for a call.

Manage Crisis situtations more effectively

Supervisors can use announcements to spread out messages quicky to agents in case of crisis situations such as high call volume from a coice channel or high volume of cases from Twitter. This helps to keep every agent ready for times which require more effort. ​

Propel your workforce by applauding top agents of the week

Send motivational announcements to agents by appreciating out performing agent.

Communicate updates in processes, products or policies

Keep your team up to date with all the new changes in products or processes making sure they are always having the latest informationn they need to serve customers better

Assign tasks, courses or trainings

Assign new work items or follow up on old items to improve agents skills and productivity