Apply a macro on Engagement Dashboards Messages


Macros allow you to execute complex actions with a single click. In Sprinklr, a macro is a saved configuration of multiple actions that allows you to apply more than one change to a message, a DAM asset, or other entities in Sprinklr, all at once. Below, we will explore how macros can be applied from engagement dashboards

Steps to apply Macros

  1. Click the New Tab icon Space Add New Tab Icon. Under the Sprinklr Social tab, click Engagement Dashboards within Engage.

  2. Search and navigate to the desired Engagement Dashboard.

  3. Hover over a message in the given column and click the Macro icon. A list of available macros will appear.

  4. Search and select the desired macro from the dropdown. On clicking, the macro will be applied. Any action associated with the macro will be executed on the message.