Campaign Macros


You can bulk update Sub-Campaigns via macros that allows you to make consistent changes across multiple Sub-Campaigns. You can apply manual and automated actions on Sub-Campaigns within the ListView of the Production Dashboards, Third Pane, and Overview Tab of the Sub-Campaigns. Apart from this, you can set sub-campaign rules as actions while creating sub-campaign macros.

To Create Sub-Campaign Macros

  1. Click the New Tab icon Space Add New Tab Icon. Under Platform Modules, click Macros within settings.

  2. In the top right corner of the Macros window, click Create Macro.

  3. On the Create Macro window, select Sub-Campaign from the Apply macro on dropdown, and fill in the required details. For more information, see below Sub-Campaign Macro — Field Description.

Steps to add Sub-Campaign Macro — Field Description

Sub-Campaign Actions - will take sub-campaign-specific action to the sub-campaign the macro is applied to
Add Comment

Add a specified comment to the sub-campaign. You can also @mention users/user groups while adding the comment.

Add Sub-Campaign Tags

Add a specified tag to the sub-campaign.

Archive Sub-Campaign
Archive or Unarchive the sub-campaign.
Select Rules to Execute

Select sub-campaign rules to be executed on the sub-campaign.

Set End Date

Set an end date for the sub-campaign.

Set Start Date

Set a start date for the sub-campaign.

Set Status of Sub-Campaign
Set status of the sub-campaign as Draft or Approved.
Set User visibility

Select user(s) you want to share the visibility of the sub-campaign with. 

Set User Group visibility

Select user group(s) you want to share the visibility of the sub-campaign with. 

Set Workspace visibility

Select workspace(s) you want to share the visibility of the sub-campaign with. 

Set Workspace Group visibility

Select workspace group(s) you want to share the visibility of the sub-campaign with. 

Remove User visibility

Select user(s) you do not want to share the visibility of the sub-campaign with. 

Remove User Group visibility

Select user group(s) you do not want to share the visibility of the sub-campaign with. 

Remove Workspace visibility

Select workspace(s) you do not want to share the visibility of the sub-campaign with. 

Remove Workspace Group visibility

Select workspace group(s) you do not want to share the visibility of the sub-campaign. 

Merge User visibility

Select user(s) to add to the existing shared visibility configuration of the sub-campaign with.

Merge User Group visibility

Select user group(s) to add to the existing shared visibility configuration of the sub-campaign.

Merge Workspace visibility

Select workspace(s) to add to the existing shared visibility configuration of the sub-campaign.

Merge Workspace Group visibility

Select workspace group(s) to add to the existing shared visibility configuration of the sub-campaign.

Steps to apply a Sub-Campaign Macro

Sub-Campaign macros can be applied from the List View of the Production Dashboards, Overview Tab of the Sub-Campaigns, and the Sub-Campaign Third Pane. 

You can also apply macro on sub-campaign from the Overview tab of the Campaigns. Hover over the Options icon  of the desired Sub-Campaign card and select Macro. The steps that will follow selecting Macro action are similar to applying macro from any of the following.
Applying Macro on a Sub-Campaign from the Campaign's Overview Tab

From the list view of Production Dashboard

  1. Click the New Tab icon Space Add New Tab Icon. Under the Sprinklr Marketing tab, click Production Dashboards within Produce.

  2. Switch to Sub-Campaigns tab and click the Open Details icon  of the desired sub-campaign. The sub-campaign will open in the third pane.

  3. On the Sub-Campaign Third Pane, click Macro and search and select the desired macro. The macro will get directly applied if no further action is required.
    Sub-Campaign Third Pane in Production Dashboards

  4. To apply macro on multiple or all sub-campaigns at once, select the Checkbox  on the extreme left or the Checkbox at the top respectively. This will enable you to take bulk actions.

  5. On the Apply Macro pop-up window, fill in the required fields. These fields may or may not be available depending on the macro you select.
    Applying Macro on Sub-Campaign from Third Pane in the Production Dashboards

  6. Click Apply in the bottom right corner. You will receive a confirmation message once the macro is applied successfully.

From the overview tab of the sub-campaigns

  1. Click the New Tab icon Space Add New Tab Icon. Under the Sprinklr Marketing tab, click Campaigns within Plan.

  2. On the Campaigns window, click the associated Sub-Campaign card or hover over the Options icon  of the desired sub-campaign and select View Details.
    Open Details Pane of the Sub-Campaign

  3. On the Sub-Campaign Details window, switch to the Overview tab.

  4. In the top right corner of the Overview tab, click the Macro icon to search and select the desired macro. The macro will get directly applied if no further action is required.
    Macro on Overview Tab of the Sub-Campaign

  5. On the Apply Macro pop-up window, fill the in the required details. These fields may or may not be available depending on the macro you select.
    Applying Macro on Sub-Campaign from the Sub-Campaign Overview Tab

  6. Click Apply in the bottom right corner. You will receive a confirmation message once the macro is applied successfully.

From the Sub Campaign third pan

  1. Click the New Tab icon Space Add New Tab Icon. Under the Sprinklr Marketing tab, click Campaigns within Plan.

  2. On the Campaigns window, click the associated Sub-Campaign card or hover over the Options icon  of the desired sub-campaign card and select Open Details.
    To Open Sub-Campaign Third Pane

  3. On the Sub-Campaign Third Pane, click Macro and search and select the desired macro. The macro will get directly applied if no further action is required.
    Selecting Macro from the Sub-Campaign Third Pane

  4. On the Apply Macro pop-up window, fill in the required fields. These fields may or may not be available depending on the macro you select.
    Applying Macro on Sub-Campaign from the Third Pane

  5. Click Apply in the bottom right corner. You will receive a confirmation message once the macro is applied successfully.