Macros for Ratings and Reviews


Macros can be created to apply multiple properties and actions to Reviews from the Monitoring Dashboards with a single click. Macros can be used to take a moderation action on a Review, tag the Review with specific properties that can be used in Commerce Reporting, and to move the Review to a different stage in your workflow, all with a single click.

Steps to Create Macros for Reviews

  1. To create a macro that can be applied to Reviews, navigate to Settings in the Administration drop-down menu of the top navigation bar. 

  2. Click the menu icon in the top left corner and select Macros under Manage Client.

  3. Click Create New in the upper right corner to begin configuring a new macro.

  4. Message Macros can be applied to Reviews, so make sure that Message is selected as the Entity for your new macro.

Macro Actions for Reviews

A number of macro actions can be applied to Reviews to execute a specific workflow, status, assignment, or property to the content.

Macro Action
Assignment Actions

Change the user that the content is assigned to.


Update the Tags applied to a Review.


Change the auto-applied sentiment.


Place an internal comment on the Review.

Remove from/Add to Queue

Move content from its current Queue and/or assign to a new Queue.

Select a Rule to Execute

Execute an On Demand Rule through a macro.

​​​​​​​Moderation Status

Change the moderation status of a Review.


Update the Properties applied to a Review.


Apply multiple actions to a single macro to create a complex workflow update that can be applied with a single click.

Common Uses for Macros on Reviews

Macros can be used in a variety of ways in your Ratings & Reviews workflow. Macros can change the Moderation Status, apply properties, change the assignee, and move Reviews from one Queue to another. Below, you'll find examples of macros that can be configured specifically for Reviews.

Assign to Me

When working on a Review in a Pending state, a macro can be used to assign the Review to yourself to avoid the potential for two moderators to be working on the same Review. Add actions to remove from the current workflow Queue (and create an Assigned to Me Workflow Column) to clear the Review from a Queue.

Change Status and Move from Pending Queue

Using the macro action Change Moderation Status to change a Review's status from Pending to Approved or Rejected. Add additional actions to remove from the current workflow Queue and into an Approved or Rejected Queue.

When this macro is configured, in the Monitoring Dashboards, a pending Workflow Columns that pulls in Reviews from a Queue (a New Reviews Queue, for example) will display pending items until the macro you've configured to change the status and move from one Queue to another is applied.


Macros can only be applied by users with whom they have been shared.

Escalate and Assign To

You may wish to create a macro that alerts certain team members when content needs to be escalated. You can create a Macro that applies a property to identify content as needing review and assign to team members specified. You can also use Queue assignment actions to move content from one queue to another, utilizing Workflow Columns to display content in various Queues.