Outbound Message Macros


Macros are used to make multiple changes to entities at once, creating efficiencies in your workflows. Outbound Message macros also allow you to associate related SAM or Message macros that will apply to the respective content associated with an outbound message when the Outbound Message Macro is applied. Use this feature to apply multiple actions to outbound messages and associated SAM Assets with a single click. Macros allow you to create efficient Outbound Message Management workflows, taking multiple actions on Outbound Messages at once. 

To Create Outbound Message Macros

When you add an Outbound Message macro, you will find Outbound Message-specific actions available and can only be applied to outbound messages. Be sure to select Outbound Message in the Apply Macro On field. For more information, see Outbound Message — Field Descriptions.

  1. Click the New Tab icon Space Add New Tab Icon. Under Platform Modules, click Macros within Settings.

  2. In the top right corner of the Macros window, click Create Macro

  3. On the Create Macro window, select Outbound Message from the Apply macro on dropdown, and fill in the required details.
    Creating Outbound Message Macro

  4. Click Save in the bottom right corner.

Outbound Message Actions — Field Descriptions 

Outbound Message Actions - will take an Outbound Message-specific action to the message the macro is applied to.
Add Comment

Add a specified comment to the message. You can also @mention users/user groups while adding the comment.

Add Tags

Add a specified tag to the message.

Delete Post

Delete the message.

Make Message Private

Make a public message private.

Make Message Public

Make a private message public.

Remove Tags

Remove a specified tag from the message.

Select a rule to execute

Perform the associated rule to the message.


You can execute Draft Rules on Outbound Messages from Macros. The Draft Rules will appear as Automated and Manual actions while creating or editing macros for the Outbound Messages. 

Set Campaign

Set the Campaign the message is associated with.

Set Sub-Campaign

Set the Sub-Campaign the message is associated with.

Set Tags

Add a specified tag to the message.

Set Schedule Date

Update and change the scheduled date, time, and time zone.


Suggest the message to a queue.

Set User visibility

Select user(s) you want to share the visibility of the message with. 

Set User Group visibility

Select user group(s) you want to share the visibility of the message with. 

Set Workspace visibility

Select workspace(s) you want to share the visibility of the message with. 

Set Workspace Group visibility

Select workspace group(s) you want to share the visibility of the message with. 

Remove User visibility

Select user(s) you do not want to share the visibility of the message with. 

Remove User Group visibility

Select user group(s) you do not want to share the visibility of the message with. 

Remove Workspace visibility

Select workspace(s) you do not want to share the visibility of the message with. 

Remove Workspace Group visibility

Select workspace group(s) you do not want to share the visibility of the message. with 

Merge User visibility

Select user(s) to add to the existing shared visibility configuration of the message with.

Merge User Group visibility

Select user group(s) to add to the existing shared visibility configuration of the message.

Merge Workspace visibility

Select workspace(s) to add to the existing shared visibility configuration of the message.

Merge Workspace Group visibility

Select workspace group(s) to add to the existing shared visibility configuration of the message.

Customer Properties - will apply distinct properties to the message. Additional properties may be available if Outbound Message Custom Fields have been created.

Custom Fields

Set a macro on an Outbound Message based on an Outbound Message custom field created within the system. 

Workspace Properties - will apply distinct properties to the message. Additional properties may be available if Outbound Message Custom Fields have been created.

Custom Fields

Set a macro on an Outbound Message based on an Outbound Message custom field created within the system. 

To Apply an Outbound Message Macro 

Outbound Message Macros can be applied from the Editorial Calendar, on outbound messages within the Engagement Dashboards, and Production Dashboards.

From the Editorial Calendar

On the Editorial Calendar, Outbound Message Macros can be applied from all the four view types: Month, Week, Day, and List. You can change the Editorial Calendar view from Editorial Calendar View Selector. For more information, see Global Editorial Calendar Views.

  1. Click the New Tab icon Space Add New Tab Icon. Under the Sprinklr Marketing tab, click Editorial Calendar within Plan.

  2. In the top right corner of the Editorial Calendar, select the desired view type: Month, Week, Day, or List from the Editorial Calendar View Selector dropdown.

  3. Click the Macro icon Screen Shot 2018-05-31 at 7.55.47 PM.png  and search and select the desired macro you wish to apply.

    Applying Outbound Message Macro in the Editorial Calendar

  4. A Confirmation Message pops up after the successful application of macro on the desired message(s).
    Success Message on Application of Outbound Message Macro

From the Engagement Dashboards

Within the Engagement Dashboards, Outbound Macros can be applied through the Quick Actions and Message Details Pane.

Quick Actions

  1. Click the New Tab icon Space Add New Tab Icon. Under the Sprinklr Social tab, click Engagement Dashboards within Engage.

  2. Hover over a message to expose the Quick Actions option on the Engagement Dashboards window. Click the Macro icon Screen Shot 2018-05-31 at 7.55.47 PM.png and search and select the desired macro you want to apply.
    Applying Macro on a Message in Outbound Column

  3. A Confirmation Message pops up after the successful application of macro on the desired message(s).
    Success Message on the Application of Outbound Message Macro in Engagement Dashboards

Message Details Pane

  1. Click the New Tab icon Space Add New Tab Icon. Under the Sprinklr Social tab, click Engagement Dashboards within Engage.

  2. On the Engagement Dashboards window, hover over the Options icon  and select Open Details. You can also open the Message details pane in the right by double-clicking the message within the Outbound column.

  3. On the Message Details pane, click the Macro icon Screen Shot 2017-12-06 at 8.58.08 AM.png and search and select the desired macro you wish to apply. 
    Applying Macros from the Message Details Pane

  4. A Confirmation Message pops up after a successful application of the macro on the desired message(s).
    Success Message on Application of Outbound Message Macro

From the Production Dashboards

  1. Click the New Tab icon Space Add New Tab Icon. Under the Sprinklr Marketing tab, click Production Dashboards within Produce.

  2. On the Production Dashboards window, switch to the Outbound messages tab. 

  3. Hover over the Options icon  alongside the desired message and select a Macro to apply from the available list.
    Selecting Macro on Outbound Message

  4. To apply macro on multiple or all messages at once, select the Checkbox  on the extreme left or the Checkbox at the top respectively.

  5. Click Macro in the Section Bar and search and select the desired macro to apply from the available list.
    Applying Macro on Multiple Messages

  6. A Confirmation Message pops up after a successful application of the macro on the desired message(s).
    Success Message on Application of Outbound Message Macro in the Production Dashboards


In Reporting, Outbound Macro Usage Count metric can be plotted with all the dimensions during widget creation. It will provide an insight into how many times an outbound macro was used as well as on how many outbound messages the macro ran on.