Profile Macros


Macros are used to execute multiple actions on an entity with a single click. Macros can be used to make multiple changes to entities at once, creating efficiencies in your workflows.

You can apply Profile macros to Profiles to take multiple actions on a Profile the same way you can with other entity types. Macros allow you to create efficient Profile workflows, taking multiple actions on an Profiles at once.

Profile Macros 

When you add a profile macro, you will find Profile-specific actions available and can only be applied to a Profile. Be sure to select Profile in the Apply Macro On... field.

Profile Actions - will take an Profile-specific action to the message the macro is applied to.
Add Profile Tags

Add specified profile tags.

Add to Global Profile Lists

Add the Profile to Global Profile List.

Add to Workspace Profile Lists

Add the Profile to a Workspace Profile List.

Customer Properties - will apply distinct properties to the profile. Additional properties may be available if Profile Custom Fields have been created.

Custom Fields

Set a macro on a profile based on a profile custom field created within the system. 

Workspace Properties - will apply distinct properties to the profile. Additional properties may be available if Profile Custom Fields have been created.

Custom Fields

Set a macro on a profile based on a profile custom field created within the system. 

Apply a Profile Macro 

Profile macros are applied through the Engagement Dashboard.

Details Pane

  1. Navigate to the Engagement Dashboard.

  2. Hover over the Options icon  and select Workflow or by double clicking the message to open the Case details. Navigate to the Profile Tab.

  3. Once the Case's details is open, click the Macros iconScreen Shot 2017-12-06 at 8.58.08 AM.png to view a drop-down of available Case Management macros. Select the macro you'd like to apply.
    Space_Engagement Dashboards_Apply a Profile Macro through Details Pane_1.gif

Quick Actions

  1. Navigate to the Engagement Dashboard.

  2. Click the user's icon and click the Macros iconScreen Shot 2017-12-06 at 8.58.08 AM.png to view a drop-down of available Profile macros. Select the macro you'd like to apply.
    Space_Engagement Dashboards_Apply a Profile Macro through Quick Actions.gif