Configure Rules to Auto-Respond to Messages


Users can now configure Inbound and Queue Rules with the action to auto-respond to accounts you have received the message from. Using this rule, you can immediately respond to customers who engage with your social media accounts at any time. These can be used to send auto-responses for non-business hours which means that every time you receive an inbound message outside your working hours, an auto-response will be sent to the account you have received the message from.

Create a Response Template

  1. Click the New Tab icon➕ . Under the Sprinklr Social tab, click Assets within Engage.

  2. In the top right corner of the Asset Management window, click Create Asset and select Text.

  3. Select the Channel to create a channel-specific template. Enter the text for your response, set additional details.

  4. Click Save in the bottom right corner to add an asset.

Configure an Auto Response Rule

In order to automate responses for different social channels in the Sprinklr Rule Engine, you'll first want to create a template for your response. This template can be created and saved in Asset Manager and will be sent to customers based on the conditions you set in your auto-response rule. Auto-response rules can be configured to create an automatic reply to customers from a number of different accounts. Some of the message types that are supported in Auto-Respond Rules are

  • Twitter Sent Direct Message, Twitter Reply, Twitter Reply All

  • Facebook Messenger, Facebook Comment

  • Line Message

  • WeChat Message

  • Lithium Message, Lithium Private Note

  • Email Reply

  • Viber Message

  • GooglePlus Business Reviews Reply

  • VK Business Messages

  • Weibo Replies, Weibo Direct Messages, and Weibo Comments

  • Google Play Store

  • Discourse Comments

  • Telegram Messages

  • Instagram Comment, Instagram Reply, and Instagram Direct Message

As a best practice, make sure that the conditions for auto-response rules are set to send an auto-response under specific circumstances that meet with your guidelines.

  1. Click the New Tab icon. Under the Platform Modules, click Rule Engine within Collaborate.

  2. In the top right corner of the Rule Engine window, click Create New Rule.

  3. On the New Rule window, provide a name and an optional description for your new rule.

  4. Set the Rule Scope to Workspace or Customer and select context as Inbound..

  5. Click Next after filling basic information as per desired

  6. In the Rule Builder window, click the ➕ icon and select Add Condition

  7. Give the condition a Name and under Conditions Applies To "The source of the Message", set a condition for Account Is and set the desired account for this condition. This condition is set to apply to messages that are directed to a specific account so that the social account that you respond from is only replying to users who addressed that specific account.

  8. In the Yes branch of this condition, add another condition. In Conditions Applies To "The source of the Message", set a condition for Message Type Is and select the type of content you want your auto-response to apply to.

  9. Set additional conditions for your rule as desired. If creating an Auto-Response rule to reply to customers who message your account outside of business hours, you can set a condition under Conditions Applies to "The Source of Message" and select Condition as Business Hours, Operator as Is and Value as the defined Business Hours. 

  10. Now, you'll set up the auto-response action. On the No branch of your final condition (which will enact on messages that are not received during business hours), select Add Action. In Actions To "Auto Respond to a message", select Send Auto Response To and choose the desired channel from the drop-down menu.

  11. Select the remaining fields for the action. For more information, see Auto Respond to a Message — Field Descriptions after these steps.

  12. Click Add Required Details to enter the details of your auto-response.

  13. Click Save in the bottom right corner to finalize the rule.

Auto Respond to a Message: Field Descriptions 



Choose Account to Reply From 

Select the account that you set in your first condition to indicate the social account that you will be replying from.

Choose Campaign

Set the campaign that should be set on your outbound auto-responses.

Choose Preferred Reply Type

Your options here will depend upon the account you selected.

Choose Reply Template

Select the post asset you created in Asset Manager as your reply template.

Time Duration of Last Auto Message

Here, you can set an interval between auto-responses to create a window of time between your outbound automated replies. Setting an interval of at least a few minutes can ensure that your rule is not being triggered unintentionally and that your responses are not deploying too rapidly.