Request Source in Outbound Message Conditions


When creating outbound rules, users can use Request Source to set custom fields, tags, or campaigns based on the source of messages or to force a mandatory approval path for messages coming from widgets. Request Source is just a condition in the rule engine with respect to outbound messages.

Rule Creation Steps

  1. Click the New Tab icon. Under the Platform Modules, click Rule Engine within Collaborate.

  2. In the top right corner of the Rule Engine window, click Create New Rule.

  3. On the New Rule window, provide a name and an optional description for your new rule.

  4. Set the Rule Scope to Workspace or Customer and select context as Outbound.

  5. Click Next after filling basic information as per desired

  6. Click on ➕ and the select add condition option for creating Request source for outbound messages.

  7. 'Request Source’ Message Condition is set to identify the source of any outbound message. The different sources for outbound messages can be found in the next section of this article. You can select from any of those for your rule.

  8. After selecting the source condition as needed, click Save in the bottom right corner.

Request Source Fields

  • Apps: All Outbound Messages being published through Social Apps

  • API: All Outbound Messages being published through our APIs, of which Access is given through Mashery

  • Mobile: All Outbound Messages being published through our Sprinklr Mobile Apps

  • Commerce: All Outbound Messages being published through Sprinklr Commerce

  • UI: All Outbound Messages being published through our Sprinklr Web UI

  • Widgets: All Outbound Messages being published through widgets

  • Auto Poster: Our RSS Feeds have a setting of Auto Posting the content coming in for the selected accounts. All Outbound Messages being published through the Auto Poster on these accounts are considered under this condition

  • Condition: Request Source is Widget. Here, we set the Request Source condition for Mobile-sourced messages

  • Action: Tag with Widget

  • This Message Property Action will tag messages that meet the condition with a pre-configured tag, Widget