Benchmarking and sources FAQs


The benchmarking module enables companies to compare their growth with the leading competitors in the industry using the best KPIs and metrics. These metrics cover directly available engagement values to AI-enriched metrics.

Find answers to the most commonly asked questions about Benchmarking and its supported sources in this article – 

​Benchmarking FAQs

Facebook (Only public pages), Twitter (Only public accounts), Instagram (Only Business Accounts), YouTube, Sina Weibo, VK (VKontakte), Twitch, and Quora.

Some web blogs can be monitored in Benchmarking. A support ticket with the required URLs can be shared through a support ticket to get this registered.

Once an account is added in Benchmarking, data collection for live data starts immediately and automatic backfill for the account is triggered. Further, you can request for a manual backfill to be triggered for up to 36 months of past data for these social networks. This request for a manual backfill can be made through a support ticket. 

The duration of the automatic backfill depends on the social network as detailed below –

Social Network

Backfill Support


  • Auto-backfill duration: 24 months

  • Manual backfill till: 36 months


  • Auto-backfill duration: 24 months

  • Manual backfill till: 36 months


  • Auto-backfill duration: 24 months

  • Manual backfill till: 36 months


  • Auto-backfill duration: 24 months

  • Manual backfill till: 36 months


  • Auto-backfill duration: 24 months

  • Manual backfill till: 36 months

Sina Weibo

Backfills not supported


Backfills not supported


Backfills not supported

Historical backfill includes –

  • Posts, comments, replies, retweets, and Twitter mentions for the requested period. 

  • Engagement counts, which will be saved with the date of request (no trend will be available). 

  • The follower counts trend will be available only on Twitter for days when there are tweets.

  • For other social networks, only the current follower's value will be used for past data, so there is no followers trend for non-Twitter.

For Instagram, we do not support Stories or Geo-Gated Posts. Only public data which includes posts, post likes, comment count, and follower count for Business accounts are supported.

Yes, Instagram Reels are supported in Benchmarking since July 2022. You can filter out Reels posts in your Benchmarking dashboards and widgets by using the filter Media Type = Reel

Due to API limitations, fan messages are not supported for Instagram. For more information, see Instagram Business Account Channel Capabilities and Limitations.

According to their terms of use, YouTube data has the following limitations –

  • YouTube data is only visible in the standard dashboard named YouTube, you cannot plot YouTube data in a custom benchmarking dashboard or widget.

  • The YouTube standard dashboard cannot be cloned for a customised analysis.

  • In the standard dashboard, one brand's data cannot be compared with another brand/competitor, it will only show a cumulative sum of the engagements.

Since the Benchmarking product is using publicly available data, we cannot tell exactly when a competitor has boosted their content, however, in the paid detection dashboard, we can make an educated guess based on our predictive algorithm.

For Instagram, promoted engagements are not provided, i.e. if a post is boosted on Instagram, the engagements will stop getting fetched. This can result in lower engagement count on Sprinklr platform compared to native. 

For all other sources, posts which are publicly visible in feed are provided. This means all dark posts are excluded

Dark posts are not pulled in via Benchmarking because we can only analyze what is available on the public API.

Video views pertain to YouTube and Twitch.

Account Owned Impressions

The number of times a post or any communication by the brand is viewed by the social accounts following the brand.

Account Owned Impressions = Followers * Number of brand posts

For a data set, Followers = 6.2M for an “xyz” brand, Number of Brand posts = 14

then Account Owned Impressions = Followers * posts = 6.2M * 14 = 86.8 ~ 87M

Account Earned Impressions

The number of social accounts that could potentially see a company or brand's communications from shared posts such as re-posts and retweets, comments, shares, etc. This number is multiplied by a factor that represents a generally accepted virality score to account for other users that might have also seen the message.

If followers < 100,000 factor = 0.15, if followers > 10,000,000 factor = 0.06, else factor = ( 0.06 - 0.15 ) / (10,000,000 – 100,000) * (followers – 100,000) + 0.15

Account Earned Impressions = followers of user1 * factor of user1 + followers of user2 * factor of user2 + so on

Account Owned Likely Impressions

The number of social accounts that could potentially see a company or brand's communications such as posts, comments, shares, etc. by the brand account.

Account Owned Likely Impressions = Followers of the brand * Factor for brand followers

If followers of brand account < 100,000 factor = 0.15, if followers > 10,000,000 factor = 0.06, else factor = ( 0.06 - 0.15 ) / (10,000,000 – 100,000) * (followers – 100,000) + 0.15

Total Account Impressions

The total number of social accounts that could potentially see a company or brand's communications either directly or through messages such as re-posts and re-tweets. This combines Account Owned and Earned Impressions.

Total Account Impressions =  Account Owned Impressions + Account Earned Impressions

Estimated Post Reach

The estimated number of users that have seen a post over the lifetime of the post, either directly through followers or through shares and Retweets. It is calculated as the sum of audience size of brand accounts posted from, multiplied by a factor, plus the sum of audience sizes of sharers/Retweeters of brand posts, multiplied by the factor. This is a trend metric, presenting a value by the date of engagement.

Factor represents a generally accepted virality score to account for other users that might have seen the message.

Estimated Reach = Followers of brand account * factor of the brand account + followers of user1 * factor of user1 + followers of user2 * factor of user2

If followers < 100,000 factor = 0.15, if followers > 10,000,000 factor = 0.06, else factor = ( 0.06 - 0.15 ) / (10,000,000 – 100,000) * (followers – 100,000) + 0.15

If the brand reply mentions the fan name, we can calculate SLA as this allows us to determine which user message the brand was responding to. Otherwise, replies to replies are all on the same level and it is not possible to determine which message brand is replying to for SLA creation.

When replies are made to a post, we use the first brand response to calculate SLA against the parent post. All other replies are ignored as per the same standard that exists in reporting.

It only represents Twitter data. Please note that only a small percentage of Tweets have geotagging information associated with them.

Yes, it is. Benchmarking data is pulled through a Public API whereas Reporting Insights is pulled through a different API (or set of APIs). The information in Benchmarking is publicly available only.

For Twitter, we use Gnip PowerTrack API for signals data and native Twitter API for followers data.

For everything else, we use native APIs, such as –

  • Facebook: Facebook Graph API

  • Instagram: Instagram Business Discovery API

  • YouTube: YouTube Data API

Below are the details –

Social Network

Post Collection latency

Engagements Latency

Followers Count Latency

Posts monitored for




24 hours



2 hours

2 hours (for 3 days)

24 hours (after 3 days)

24 hours

60 days


2 hours

2 hours

24 hours

60 days


1 hour

1 hour (for 30 days)

1 week (after 30 days)

24 hours

Upto 4 years

Sina Weibo


24 hours

24 hours

15 days




24 hours





24 hours



1 hour (Post data - Clips, Videos, Streams)

10 mins. (Channels and Games count)

1 hour

20 days


  • The latency for Facebook engagement is increased after 3 days so that we do not hit the API rate limits.

  • For Twitter, VK and Quora, engagements on historical data might not always be accurate as engagements on posts are enriched from Listening data where posts are monitored for upto 2 weeks.

Private messages are not available (and therefore would affect your response time # in Benchmarking). Public APIs differ by the social network, meaning Facebook's Public API is not the same as YouTube.

Benchmarking does not support Twitter expanded metrics, as they are only available to the owner of the account who has authenticated access.

Please ask your Success Manager for assistance in requesting new accounts to be added to the Sprinklr global database.

We have integrations to BI tools PowerBI, Tableau, and Google Data Studio that support Benchmarking data. Also, if you would like to access the data through the API, you can use Reporting API.

  1. Navigate to the Brands page.

  2. Click the Brands Activity section in the top-right.

  3. The accounts you have used and have remaining in your contract will be visible in the corresponding popup.

When Benchmarking is provisioned for clients, Sprinklr passes a partner account limit during setup to prevent clients from going over the number of accounts they have purchased. This limit, as well as progress towards it, can be viewed in the Activity section on Brands page. 

If you are missing logos for benchmarking accounts, submit a ticket to, cc yourself, and request that the Data Team update the account Logos in the backend Benchmarking database. 

  • Comparing content performance for your own Brand vs. Competitors

  • Tracking overall marketing efforts

  • Comparing customer service response times

  • Analyst level dashboards for deeper dive and analytics

  • Reviewing competitors who are "best in class" in a certain area (industry, product, geo, etc)

  • To gain page level insights on Facebook and Instagram where Listening data is limited

  • Tracking Executives from various companies

  • Tracking Influencers or your Brand’s Sponsors and their performance

Mentions are applicable only to Listening. Benchmarking studies social actions: likes, comments, shares, and retweets. You can monitor an unlimited amount of these.

Use custom properties so you can sort by competitive set in reporting. If your competitors are all product type A competitors, give your brand and competitor brands the value "Product Type = A".

The Parent-Child framework allows companies with five or more locations to connect their local/regional Facebook pages (called Children) to their corporate Facebook page (called Parent). This option is supported only for owned accounts and not in Benchmarking.

  • Posts & Engagements: This data for such pages are captured just like other public pages –

  • Follower Count: Follower counts are only available for regular pages. For all such pages, please use the metric ‘Global Facebook Followers’ in benchmarking widgets which displays the count of total followers of a Facebook account to match with native. This followers count figure comprises the summation of followers of global page and the child pages.

No, Geo-Gated posts are not supported.

In Benchmarking, we used to receive the regional Followers count of pages before the API limitation in February 2018 and used to be stored in Account Followers metric. Post the limitation from the channel side, we started to receive the Global Facebook followers count for the pages that follows the parent child frame work on Facebook.

For more information on Facebook Global Pages/Parent child framework – 

Thus, to analyse the Global Facebook Followers data, please use the metric Global Facebook Followers.

In case the page does not follows the Parent child framework on Facebook, the follower's data can be analysed using the metric Account followers.

Open the page natively and check for the option Switch Region. If present, it follows the parent child Framework.

No, Benchmarking fetches only publicly available data so these kind paid posts engagements are not shown in the dashboards. 

Source FAQs

Facebook has pages with a parent-child framework. This is a feature added recently in Facebook where if your organization is spread across and there is a need for region-specific Facebook pages, then creating a global account will provide you with child accounts for each region.

Parent-child Facebook pages do not show individual regions' followers count but just give the count of global followers due to Facebook API limitations. So, The data plotted against Account Followers for this type of account is always 0 as it is not a regular account.

Global Facebook followers are the appropriate metric to be used for such types of accounts.

  • Local Business or Place

  • The company, Organization, or Institution

  • Brand or Product

  • Artist, Band, or Public Figure

  • Entertainment

  • Cause or Community

Not supported –

  • Group pages

  • Private accounts/pages

No, due to API limitations.

No, due to API limitations.

Whenever a new account is added in benchmarking, by default the backfill is triggered for 180 days, and if not you can raise a ticket for backfill to the data team which can be backfilled up to 3 years from that date.

Below are the details – ​


API Limitation

Group Events


Group docs


Group Files


Group Live Videos


List of Users on the Group who have chosen to share their publicly available profile information with apps installed on the Group


Group Albums


Group Posts/Feed


Group Photos


Group Videos


Group Message


Comments & Posts made to Groups


Facebook API limitations do not allow access to the exact count of account followers for private accounts, so in those places, the number of people who liked the page is regarded as account followers.

Yes, Benchmarking does support reels from the 17.7 release. Users can perform analysis on reel posts just like any other Instagram posts. For filtering, the dimension "media type = reel" can be used.

Backfill is supported from the day reels were officially supported by Instagram API and thus from July 2022 backfill of data can take place.

Previously Instagram reels are considered as videos only, but now as reels are no more considered videos you might see a drop in video count and an increase in reel count.



  • Instagram Business account

  • Creator account

For Instagram, we do not support Stories or Geo-Gated Posts. Only public data which includes posts, post likes, comment count, and follower count for Business accounts are supported.

No, due to API limitation.

No, because we do not get the fan message content data.


If the Weibo Official Account holder has enabled Weibo DM and grants Access to the Development center, then the Native access to the Custom menu feature will freeze ( Team can use the native direct message. Chat system as normal but the reply made natively will not get reflected/captured in Sprinklr ). The User while using Direct Message with the OA will view the existing - custom menu which is set via developer mode using API.

Vice versa - If a custom menu is set natively and the OA switches to the Development center then it will still show the existing custom menu set natively until it's been updated via API using the Development center.

Sina Weibo will be available as GA (generally available), but if required, you can disable it by reaching out to your success manager.

Yes, we get the data of fan messages and AI models run on this data and give insights.

Yes, Paid post detection model helps in classifying whether a post is paid/organic.

Yes, we can configure smart alerts for Sina Weibo pages.

Yes, for fan messages through Twitter, where we can get the content of the fan messages, you can not only get the sentiment distribution across the fan messages but with the “Benchmarking AI dimensions” on fan messages, you also get a deeper analysis of fan behavior and perception towards the brand.

It only represents Twitter data. Please note that only a small percentage of Tweets have geotagging information associated with them.

For Twitter, VK, and Quora, engagements on historical data might not always be accurate as engagements on posts are enriched from Listening data where posts are monitored for up to 2 weeks.

Benchmarking does not support Twitter expanded metrics, as they are only available to the owner of the account who has authenticated access.

Yes, we get the data of fan messages and AI models run on this data and give insights like the sentiment of the message, etc.

Yes, Paid post detection model helps in classifying whether a post is paid/organic.

Yes, we can configure smart alerts for Sina Weibo pages.

VK will be available as GA (generally available), but if required, you can disable it by reaching out to your success manager.

By clicking the +Other icon, you can add VK channel links and be able to fetch data.