Volumetric Alert capabilities within Benchmarking


An effective early warning system triggers alerts when a pre-defined specific threshold criterion is met.

The new Benchmarking alert module covers alert configuration for all the data powered by the Benchmarking data source.

The key sections of the alert form in Benchmarking module are explained below –

Benchmarking Custom Volumetric Alerts

Tab #1 – Create a volumetric Alert



Alert Name

Enter a name for the alert you are creating.

Add description

Enter the description (optional) for the alert you are creating.

Add tags

Select the tags (optional) for the alert you are creating.


Select the module you want to create an alert for; choose Benchmarking, in this case.

Alert type

Choose the alert type as Custom Volumetric Alert.

Alert dimensions

The alert dimension filters will power the data on which alerts will be triggered

Select Filter

Select the desired dimension as a filter.

  • Select Type: Select the type – containing, not containing, or exists

  • Select Value: Enter/select the value for your dimension.

For example, if you select the Brand dimension, the values would be the brands. Or, if you select the Sentiment dimension, the values would be Negative, Neutral, Positive, and Uncategorized.

Note: Please choose any one of the following mandatory dimensions: Brand, Account, Brand Group.

Add New Filter

Click this option to add a new filter. You can add as many filters as you want to source the data and narrow it down to only the most relevant set. 

Trigger conditions

Threshold-based alerts: Get alerted when a threshold value is breached on the metric of your choice in the desired time frame.

Enter alerting conditions

Threshold-based alerts –

  • Select the metric name

  • Threshold value

  • Enter the time frame you want the metric value to be monitored.

Note: this field is not the frequency at which alerts are triggered. This defines the time frame in which the algorithm checks for a threshold breach. The frame is reset at the end time, or when the threshold is breached.

Avoid spam

You can avoid spam by adding maximum notification frequency.

  • Maximum alerts: Enter the number of alerts, e.g. 100

  • Duration: Select the duration in the dropdown options

Note: If the frequency is reached, there will be no more alerts till the time resets. You can miss out on alert-worthy trend shifts in such a case. Please fill in the details with caution.

Click Next to go to the next tab of the Create Volumetric Alert window.

Tab #2 – Alert distribution details



Select Users / User Groups

Select the users and/or user groups whom you intend to alert on the anomaly.

External email address

You can add external users as alert recipients by entering their email addresses.

Note: You can add multiple external email addresses by simply pressing the Enter button after every email address you enter.

Delivery details

Email notification

This permits Sprinklr to send emails to the entered addresses. This is selected by default. 

Include timestamp

Selecting this option will also show the timestamp along with the email subject. The timestamp also shows the default timezone in brackets (GMT).

You can change the timezone in the email subject and in the "detected time" shown in the email body at the partner level by raising a support ticket. It is not configurable in the user interface.

Enablement note: To learn more about enabling this capability in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.

Customize mailing details

This option is selected by default –

  • Add custom subject line: Enter a custom subject for easy identification of alert email

  • Sender email address: Enter an email address of your organization or group which will appear as an alias for easy identification of email

Metrics supported for threshold-based alerts

Below is the list of mapped metrics to the Benchmarking module –



Aggregation Type

Volume of Benchmarking Post likes


Message level

Volume of Benchmarking Post shares


Message level

Volume of Benchmarking Post comments


Message level

Volume of Benchmarking Post Positive fan comments



Volume of Benchmarking Post Negative fan comments



Volume of Benchmarking Post Engagements



Volume of Benchmarking Post Views



Volume of Benchmarking Account Engagements



Volume of Benchmarking Account Volume



Volume of Benchmarking Account followers

Account Property
