Bulk Create/Update Cases Using Data Flow Pipeline


This article provides detailed steps for creating and updating cases in Sprinklr using an Excel file template with the help of data flow pipelines. It covers the mandatory fields required for case creation and updates and highlights non-editable system fields. By following this guide, you can efficiently manage bulk case operations through Excel.

Enablement note:

To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.

To Bulk Create/Update Cases

  1. Create the Excel File Template:

    • Prepare the Excel file with the required structure and data.

  2. Create Pipeline:

  3. Select Source Type & Consumption:

    • Choose between "Excel file" or "SFTP".

    • Define the structure of the data (ensure the data type is “String”).

  4. Create Sink Node:

    • Select the Sink Element: Universal Case.

    • Choose Universal Case Sink Option: Create or Update.

  5. Map Fields:

    • Map the Excel columns to the Sprinklr fields (standard system fields vs. custom fields).

  6. Activate the Pipeline:

    • Activate the created pipeline.

  7. Manual Run:

    • Manually run the pipeline by uploading the final Excel file you want to process.

Additional Notes

  • Modifying the Template:

    • If you modify the Excel template (e.g., introducing new fields), create a new pipeline and repeat the steps outlined above.

  • Reusing the Template:

    • If there are no changes to the template, you can manually upload the same template with different data to the existing pipeline as many times as needed.

How to Create Excel File Template

  • Always export the cases from the engagement dashboard and use that as a template.

To Create Cases

  • Mandatory fields

    • ChannelType: This is the SNTYPE of the profile.

    • SenderID: This is the SNID of the profile.

  • Sample Inputs

    1. Create Case Without Custom Fields

    2. Create Case With Custom Fields

To Update Cases

  • Mandatory field

    • Case ID (Backend Asset ID) or Case Number (UI Case Number, without the # symbol in the Excel file).

  • Sample Inputs

    1. Update Case With Custom Fields (Using Case Number):

    2. Update Case With Custom Fields (Using Case ID):

Few system fields that can't be edited:

  • ChannelOwnerId

  • CreatedByUser

  • CaseCreationTime

  • AssociatedMessagesCount

  • LastAssignedTime

Note: Date type CF values cannot be updated via this process.

You can refer to this file as well: Case Creation & Update Template.xlsx

  • Red highlighted: Unnecessary for the users to change – Non-editable.

  • Green highlighted: Concrete standard fields that can be edited.

  • Blue highlighted: Custom Fields (CFs) specific to each partner's environment that can also be edited.


Profiles will be created based on the SenderID and channelType. If a profile with the given SenderID and channelType already exists on the platform, the creation of a new profile will be skipped. If no profile with the given SenderID and channelType exists, a new profile will be created.

It's not advisable to keep the columns or fields in the file that you are not editing. This is because, between the time you export and update the file, someone might change the value on the platform. If you update the file with old values, the new changes will be overwritten by the old values in your file.

For example, let's consider the following case:

  • Case: 1234

  • Custom Fields:

    • Issue type: Battery

    • Reason: Heatup Issue

    • Outbound Campaign: Black Friday

Assume you only want to change the value for the Outbound Campaign.

  • 5:00 PM: You export the file.

  • 5:01 PM: A user changes the values of the custom fields (Issue type to Display, Reason to Flickering).

  • 5:02 PM: You change only the value of the Outbound Campaign (Black Friday to EORS).

  • 5:10 PM: You run the pipeline. The case will be updated with three changes, including the two that you did not intend to change.

To avoid this confusion, keep only the fields you want to update in the file and remove the rest.

When using different data sources in a pipeline, it is important to be aware of the record limits that may apply, depending on the source and the type of pipeline you are creating.

  • For Normal Pipelines:

The default record limit is 150,000 records (1.5 L), but this can be extended up to 500,000 records (5 L). If you need to extend this limit, please work with your Success Manager or contact the support team.

  • For Live Dataset Pipelines:

For live pipelines, the record limit is typically set to 5,000 or 10,000 records by default, depending on the environment. If the limit is set to 5,000, it can be increased to 10,000. To request an increase, please coordinate with your Success Manager or contact the support team.