Troubleshooting Errors in Voice Reporting


List of some errors and misinterpretations observed in Voice divided by the categories.




Getting this error message , " Widget not able to populate more than X rows

Reduce time range to populate the dashboard

Agent/Agent Group filter not working on call count

Use "All Participated Agents" filter on the call count instead of Agent/Agent group

Not able to create custom metric basis Datetime metrics

Date Time custom fields can't be used to create custom metrics


Common Challenge


ACW report showing multiple rows with same value

In case there are multiple rows being created where the entire call related values are same, check for disposition and sub-disposition columns. If more than 1 disposition or sub-disposition is filled, it will show the values in different rows, hence multiple rows are being formed. If the disposition and sub-disposition is the same, plot disposition plan and check. In that they would belong to different disposition plan hence the multiple rows

Call Disconnect time not coming for all calls

By default, call disconnect time comes only for agent connected calls. In case the agent didn't connect on the call, there will be no call disconnect time and that row will be removed from the widget.

Customer connected calls custom metrics not showing correct values for inbound and outbound

For inbound calls - customer are by default connected on the call. To find the number of calls where agent connected, use filters - call states containing agent connected and direction containing inbound.
For outbound calls - it is necessary to use call states containing agent connected and call states containing customer connected along with the filter direction containing outbound to find the correct number of calls where agent and customer both connected on the call

Difference in number of calls taken vs number of calls taken (unique)

Number of calls taken gives you total number of calls taken by the agents however number of calls taken (unique) is a cardinal metric and gives you unique number of calls taken by agents. For Eg. If a call is taken by agent 2 times after some transfers, number of calls taken will show 2 but number of calls taken (unique) will show 1 as it was 1 unique call which was taken twice by the agent.

Unable to find Handle Time in Voice Report

To plot handle time with call count in voice report, make a custom Metric as per clients' requirement. Ideally it is calculated as "Talk Time" + "Hold Time" + "After call wrap up Time"

Offered Calls (Queue) not matching with Number of Calls Taken

Offered Calls (Queue) refers to the number of calls that are being offered to the agents in the queue. A call can be offered multiple times basis the availability. These calls can be and cannot be answered by agents. However the number of calls taken refers to the calls which are answered by the agents post the call is offered to them.

Not able to plot agent vs call count

"Agent" dimension can't be plotted against call count. Use dimension "all participated agents" / "all participated agents csv" basis the number of agents involved on the call

Not getting correct data for averaging on Average Handle Time/ Handle Time/ Talk Time metrics

Don't average the metrics "average handle time/hold time/ talk time" metrics. This will not measure the average correctly. Instead make the custom metrics using handle time (agent) metrics and number of calls taken as per the client's requirement

Number of calls taken not matching with total calls (per assignment)

Number of calls taken gives you total number of calls taken by the agents however total calls (per assignment) refers to the number of calls which were assigned to a particular queue/agent. If a call is assigned 3 times, the total calls (per assignment) will count it as 3 instead of 1