Creating Agent Nudges


The Agent Nudges builder offers you the ability to create and configure tailored next-best actions that seamlessly appear in Care Console. This innovative feature is designed to enhance agents' customer interactions by delivering pertinent information and actionable recommendations. Whether it's displaying context-sensitive details or proposing optimal steps to follow, Agent Nudges ensure the agents are well-guided throughout their conversations. With customizable settings, you have the flexibility to determine when and how these valuable nudges will appear, enabling the agents to provide efficient and effective support.

Note: To learn more about getting this capability enabled, please reach out to Sprinklr support at

To Create Agent Nudges

  1. Click the New Tab icon. Under the Sprinklr Service tab, click Agent Nudges within Resolve.

  2. On the Agent Nudges window, click ​Create Nudge in the top right corner.

  3. On the next window, add the following details.

    Configure Nudge

    Here, you establish the criteria that need to be met for the nudge to be displayed to agents. Select the Nudge Type.

    Message - Triggers nudge via conditions satisfied on a message. Specify the relevant field, the operator to use for comparison, and the values that trigger the nudge's appearance.

    Mute - Triggers nudge when the call is on mute for a predefined duration. The nudge widget will feature a live timer actively running, visually representing the duration. For instance, if set to trigger after 15 seconds of mute, the nudge activates after 15 seconds and displays a timer providing a real-time indication of the elapsed duration.

    Hold Time - Triggers nudge when the hold time exceeds a predefined duration. The nudge widget will feature a live timer actively running, visually representing the duration.

    Dead Air - Triggers nudge when there is complete silence on the call for a predefined time duration. The nudge widget will feature a live timer actively running, visually representing the duration.

    Rule - Triggers nudge via rules defined in Rule Engine. It provides the flexibility to create intricate logic, allowing users to implement customized conditions for nudge activation. Under Actions To Alert Actions, select Alert with the desired nudge to trigger or select Nudge for triggering any specific checklist item of the smart script nudge.

    If a nudge is already associated with specific rules, you can find the rule names listed under "Linked Rules." By clicking on these rule names, you will be directed to the Rule Engine.

    Display Limit - If this option is disabled, the nudge will appear every time the specified conditions are met for a case. If enabled, set the maximum number of times the nudge will e displayed to the agent for this particular case. A value of 0 indicates that there are no limits to how many times the nudge will appear.

    Nudge Content

    Configure what the agent sees inside the nudge.

    Content Type, Name and Content

    You can customize the appearance and content of the nudge that agents will see. This includes selecting a nudge theme that aligns with the purpose of the nudge, naming the nudge for easy identification, and specifying its content. The nudge content can include case details, messages, profile properties, and data fetched through API responses.

    Smart Script Theme

    You have the option to set the theme as Smart Script to perform content checks within nudges to determine whether specific actions have been executed or not at the message level.

    For instance, you can set up nudges to ensure that agents greet customers with the brand name 'ABC Corp' in their interactions. To confirm this practice, you can configure checklist items with specific text keywords like 'ABC Corp,' 'Greetings,' 'Welcome,' etc. These checklist items serve as triggers to verify whether the agent has greeted the customer using the brand name as intended.

    Additionally, you can implement a time duration setting within Smart Script. This allows you to define a period after which a the smart script will expire. Suppose a Smart Script item encourages agents to greet customers with a warm 'Hello!' at the outset of their conversations. In this scenario, you can set the time limit of 10 seconds, after which Smart Script will expire, ensuring that the greeting is prompt and timely.

    In Care Console, this functionality will work as a checklist-like feature, where completed actions are marked with ticks, offering a visual confirmation of action completion.

    API Call

    This functionality lets you integrate real-time data from external sources, such as a CRM system. By making API calls, you can ensure that the nudge displays the most relevant and up-to-date information to the agent, eliminating the need for manual information retrieval.

    Define the input and output parameters when interacting with an API. The "API Input" is the parameter you send to the API for processing, and the "API Output" is the parameter where the value from the API response is stored.

    Button on Nudge

    This option allows you to add interactive elements to the nudge, such as buttons that agents can click to perform specific actions. These actions can include setting reminders, following guided paths, selecting macros, accessing knowledge base articles, and more.

    For a Smart Script nudge, you can enhance control of buttons by adding visibility conditions based on checklist items. This means that the button action will only become visible when specific checklist items are marked as completed.

    ​Post Nudge Actions

    Rules to Execute - This is where you define the specific actions that should take place when the nudge is triggered. You can choose from a list of predefined rules to execute when the nudge conditions are met.

    Notify Supervisor - Enabling this feature sends a platform notification to supervisors or team leads when a nudge is triggered for an agent. This ensures that supervisors are aware of the assistance provided to agents and can take necessary actions if required.

    Notify Agent - Enabling this feature sends a platform notification to agents when a nudge is triggered for an agent.

    Note that supervisors and agents have the option to disable platform notifications for nudges by accessing the Users page from the top right corner of the platform and navigating to the Notification Preferences tab.

  4. You have the option to preview how the nudge will appear on the right-hand side. After reviewing the preview, you can click Save in the bottom right corner. Once the nudge is created, you can also enable/disable, edit, delete, and create a copy of it as needed.