Widget Configuration


Reporting in Sprinklr centralizes data from all digital and voice channels and accounts. In Reporting, you can customize, expand, and drill into metrics by creating dashboards and widgets.

Sprinklr’s report creation flow and widget library make social report creation easy and quick. You no longer have to remember 1000s of metrics from various social channels to create reports as the Metrics and Dimensions will be shown in groups for you to easily identify relevant metrics and dimensions.


  • The max threshold for display on reports in Sprinklr is 300 per page and 5000 overall for a Table widget.

  • You can review monthly, quarterly, or yearly business performance using the "Month of year" dimension or by toggling the widget aggregation between a monthly or quarterly basis for better decision making.

You can also access the Widget Library to easily customize and add the widget templates to your dashboard. It will help you reduce the learning curve needed to create insightful reports. Logically grouped data points, system-guided chart selection, and widget library ensure quick and accurate report creations.

Admin Set-up 

To access the Widget Editor and Library, you must first be assigned with the Widget Editor permission in Reporting permissions. You can learn more about Roles and Permissions.

To Create a Custom Reporting Widget 

  1. Click the New Tab icon '+' . Under the Sprinklr Service tab, click Reporting within Analyze .

  2. Click the Dashboard Menu icon in the top left corner of the Dashboard and select the desired reporting dashboard. 

  3. Next, click Add Widget in the top right corner of the desired reporting dashboard.

  4. In the Create Custom Widget window, enter the details as desired. 

  5. Click Add to Dashboard in the bottom right corner to add your widget to your dashboard.

  6. Changes to filters and widgets will be shared with users who have access to this dashboard

Create Custom Widget — Field Descriptions


Enter a name for the Widget.

Enter the description of your Widget.

Select the Data Source for your Widget. For more information, see 

Different Data Sources

Select a chart type for your Widget. For more information, see  Visualisation Types

Add Metrics/Dimensions for your Widget. Click '+' Add all metrics/dimensions to select both Metrics and Dimensions. Metrics and Dimensions will be shown in groups so that you to easily identify relevant metrics and dimensions. We've implemented optimizations to the search results, which take into account the usage frequency of each custom dimension independently. This improvement aims to enhance user experience by prioritising commonly used fields, as opposed to having all custom fields displayed at the top, which can make discovery cumbersome.


On selecting metrics, you will have several operators available to use on your reporting data based on a given date range. Click on the link below to have a detailed preview of all the operators.


Sum (selected by default)

The sum total of all the records in the given date range.


The arithmetic means of the selected metric for the given date range. 

Sum of all the records in the given date range / The number of records in the given date range


The minimum of all the records in the given date range.


The maximum of all the records in the given date range.


The relative change in the selected metric for the given date range.

Sum of all the records in the previous date range - Sum of all the records in the given date range


The percentage value of the record for the given date range.

Current record / (Sum of all the records in the given date range) x 100

% Change

The relative percentage change in the selected metric for the given date range.

((Sum of all the records in the previous date range) - (Sum of all the records in the given date range)) / (Sum of all the records in the previous date range)


The current record as a given percentile of all the records in order of size.

For example, the 95th percentile of Spent depicts that 95% of the observations may be found below this value for the particular date range.

Time Aggregated Average

This refers to the calculation of an average value over a specific time period by aggregating data points or values within that period. Instead of calculating the average of individual data points, a time-aggregated average considers a set of data points over a defined time interval and calculates the average based on that aggregated data ​

Set the configuration of the widget as desired through the Configuration tools.

Configuration Option


Do you want to Label Axis?

If you want to add names for your Metrics, you can select this configuration option, and then you can enter the desired names as labels.

Show Total

Selecting this option will show the sum total of the metric for each column.

Hide Previous Period

Selecting this option will hide the data for the previous time period on the widget.

Note that in reporting widgets that display data from the previous period, the term "previous period" signifies a time span that mirrors the length of the current period and directly precedes it. For example, if you set a time duration filter on a widget to the fourth quarter of 2022, the associated previous period taken would be the third quarter of the same year (2022). This effectively captures the timeframe immediately preceding the ongoing period.

However, you can get a capability enabled that allows you to observe identical time frames in relation to the previous time period. For instance, the previous period in connection with the fourth quarter of 2019 would point to the fourth quarter of the year 2018.

Show Number without Abbreviation

Selecting this option shows the exact count of the metric without abbreviation.

Include Data Labels

Selecting this option will include the data labels on the Spline widget.

Hide Legend

Selecting this option will hide all the legends on the widget.

Start Y-Axis from Zero

Selecting this option will start the Y-Axis (vertical axis) widget from zero (0).

Define Y/X-Axis Scale

You can define the Min & Max of X-Axis and Y-Axis bounds. Also, you can adjust the step size of the X-Axis and Y-Axis to get the best-optimized visualization.

For more information, refer to Define Y-axis scale in Widgets

Include data points with no value

Use the Include data points with no value configuration in your widget to view the zero-valued points as well in your widget for the selected time period. These values will be skipped if you do not select this configuration.

Filters can help you get relevant data quickly and easily, allowing you to hone in on the information that you need to see for a more focused visualization of data. With the help of Advanced Filters, you can apply custom filters, define additional properties, and set personalized targets.


Check the box to ignore all dashboard filters.

Customize your widget display options as desired.

Customize the auto format as desired.

Date Filter: Date Filters are present at the widget level and help you sort the data according to the metric/dimension added in the date filter. It means that cases will populate according to that date filter.

For example, if the case count is plotted with the date filter added in the widget as Case Creation Time and the dashboard duration filter is last 30 days, so count of those cases will populate which were created in the last 30 days.

To Create a Reporting Widget using Widget Library

  1. Click the New Tab icon '+' . Under the Sprinklr Service tab, click Reporting within Analyze.

  2. Click the Dashboard Menu icon in the top left corner of the Dashboard and select the desired reporting dashboard. 

  3. Next, click Add Widget in the top right corner of the desired reporting dashboard.

  4. In the Create Custom Widget window, click Widget Library from the section bar.

  5. In the Widget Library window, hover over to the desired widget and click Add to Dashboard to add your widget to the Reporting Dashboard. You can also make the desired changes to the widget by selecting the Customize Widget.ModernEngagement_ReportingDashboards_WidgetLibrary.png

  6. The remaining steps are similar to Creating a Custom Widget in Reporting.