Configuring a Rule for Intent Detection


Set up a Case Update rule to run the Interaction Intent Model(s), allowing for the comprehensive analysis of a case's conversation by the specified intent collections to predict intents.

This process initiates a backend request containing information about the intent collections and the conversation linked to the interaction. Subsequently, the system processes the intents and intent groups for that collection and provides predictions for the interaction. If the returned intent matches the filter criteria, the Case Detected Intent standard field will be populated.

Enablement note:

To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.

To Create a Case Update Rule to Run Interaction Intent Model

  1. Begin by creating a Case Update rule and add conditions based on your requirements to trigger the rule.

  2. Add actions. Under the Actions To Universal Case section, choose the Run Interaction Intent Model action.

  3. In the Intent Model Configuration action, select the desired intent collections from those created under the Conversational Analytics Persona. You have the option to choose multiple collections simultaneously. Predictions will be generated from all selected collections.

  4. Determine which intent model's output should be marked as primary under the Mark as Primary Intent Model field.

  5. Utilize the Filter for Intents option to select specific intents for output. This filtering can be based on criteria such as "Contains" or "Doesn't contain."

  6. Optionally, add the Interaction Selector action to filter interactions based on criteria like the number of agent messages, channel, number of customer messages, etc.



    Brand Response Type

    Atleast 1 Agent Message, Only Bot Messages, Atleast 1 Bot Message, Only Agent Messages

    Call - Advisor Talk Time

    This measures the total time the advisor (agent or representative) spends talking during a conversation.

    Call - Customer Talk Time

    This measures the total time the customer spends talking during a conversation.

    Call - Total Talk Time

    Check the Total talk time in the call.

    Call Dead-Air Time

    Check the Dead air time in the call.

    Call Disconnection Type

    Select how the call got disconnected Agent, System, Remote

    Call Disposition

    Standard Dipositions filled after case is disposed

    Call Disposition Plan

    Standard Diposition Plan filled after case is disposed

    Call Hold Count

    No of time a call is put on Hold

    Call Hold Time

    Time for which the call is put on Hold

    Call Mute Time

    Time for which the call was on Mute

    Call Recording Exisit

    Check if Call recordings are present in the call or not

    Call Sub-Disposition

    Standard Sub-Dipositions filled after case is disposed


    Channel or Social Network of the Conversation


    Total Duration of the conversation

    No of Agent Messages

    Total Agent replied messaged in the conversation

    No of Brand Messages

    Total Agent replied messaged in the conversation

    No of Bot Messages

    Total Agent replied messaged in the conversation

    No of Customer Messages

    Total Agent replied messaged in the conversation

    No of Messages

    Total Agent replied messaged in the conversation

    Call Direction

    Indicates whether the call was inbound or outbound.

    Detected Intent Group

    Filter by Contains: Selects all interactions that contain the selected Intent Groups.

    Filter by Doesn't Contain: Deselects all interactions that contain the selected Intent Groups.

  7. Click Save at the bottom to save the rule.

    This process enables the automatic execution of intent analysis on case interactions, providing valuable insights into customer conversations.

To Create a Case Update Rule to Unset Interaction Intents

You can remove the assigned contact drivers from a specific case.

This action is useful in scenarios where the initial contact drivers assigned to a case need to be reset or removed due to changes in the case details, resolution, or reassignment to a different team or agent.

  1. Begin by creating a Case Update rule and add conditions based on your requirements to trigger the rule.

  2. Add actions. Under the Actions To Universal Case section, choose the Unset Interaction Intents action.

  3. In the Intent Model Configuration action, select the desired intent collections from those created under the Conversational Analytics Persona. You have the option to choose multiple collections simultaneously to unset.

  4. Add the Intents action as Unset.

  5. Optionally, add the Interaction Selector action to filter interactions based on criteria like the number of agent messages, channel, number of customer messages, etc.

  6. Click Save at the bottom to save the rule.