Manage Knowledge Base Articles


In the knowledge base builder, you can take multiple actions on categories and articles.​

To take action on Articles

On the Article Manager window, hover over the Options icon alongside the article and select the desired option.

View Article

Open the article in the view mode. To get the article opened in a new tab, please work with your Success Manager.

Edit Article

Open the article in the edit mode to make the desired changes.

To get the article opened in a new tab, please work with your Success Manager.

To prevent simultaneous editing conflicts, the system restricts access to an article when one user is actively editing it. This measure prevents potential data loss and ensures collaboration efficiency by allowing only one user to edit the article at any given time. Additionally, a predefined duration can be implemented, determining the period after which editing access will be granted again once the user closes or saves the article. To get this capability enabled, please work with your Success Manager.

Archive Article

Archive the article. On archiving, the public toggle will be turned off automatically and all the translations will get private, too. Select Restore Article to restore the article and translations in a draft state. Additionally, you have the option to handle specific translations separately without affecting the base article.

The archived articles will not appear in the search results of Smart Assist, Live Chat KB Widget, and Community.

Move to Category

Move the article to any other category/sub-category. Moving the article to any private category will mark the article private. Note that language variants cannot be moved separately.

Clone Article

Make a copy of the article. Cloning a base article will result in the cloning of all its translations, while maintaining the same relationship. For partners with country variant enabled, the clone form will display the original article’s language settings, country, base language, and selected translations.

  • Unchanged Cloning: If a user clones an article without making any changes to the language settings or translations, all translations will be cloned, regardless of their translation status.

  • Selective Cloning: If a user adjusts the language settings or country during the cloning process, only the translations applicable to the selected country group will be cloned.

This enhancement simplifies the process of managing multi-language articles and ensures consistency across different language versions.

Delete Article

Delete the article. Deleting the base article will also delete all the translated articles.

Add Tag

To add/remove tags or modify exisitng tag label.

Map to Other Categories

Map the given article to multiple categories other than its parent category. Doing this will make the article appear in all the select categories on the community. Note that once you map an article to multiple categories, you need to mark the article Private and then Public again to make it appear in all the new categories. Also, the language variants cannot be mapped to other categories separately.

Set Schedule

You can schedule publishing and unpublishing of an article in a draft (public/private) or approved (private) state at the specified date, time & timezone. For more information, click here.

Public/Private Toggle

You can also mark the article as public/private by sliding the toggle icon. An article can be marked public only if it is approved and its parent category is mapped to a community. Once marked public, click the Community icon alongside the article to view it on the mapped communities.

For those utilizing the API to manage their own help center, the option to publish articles immediately upon approval is available, eliminating the need to map the knowledge base category to a community category.

Enablement note:

To learn more about getting this capability enabled, please work with your Success Manager.

Bulk Actions

To delete multiple articles, move articles to a category, add tags, or set publishing schedule at once, select the articles by checking the box on the left and then select the desired option at the bottom.

View Article Translations

Check Translation column to view available translations of an article. Click the Caret Right icon to expand the list of translations.

Third pane view

You can check article overview, properties, collaborate, view audit trail and more in article third pane.