About Custom Fields


In this article, we will get a brief introduction to custom fields.

What are Custom Fields?

​Custom fields are fully customizable properties and tags that are enlisted in the Sprinklr Platform at several feature levels called Asset Classes. The Asset classes are Account, Outbound Message, Message, Profile, Media Asset, User, Client, Campaign, Community Product, Paid Initiative, Ad Set, Ad Variant, Case, and Task.

Custom Fields allow you to organize and categorize content. You can create custom fields to create properties that are not provided by Sprinklr by default. Custom Fields are used to tag assets and bucket them into similar categories. 


  • Once you have saved the custom field, you will not be able to delete them in order to prevent further loss of analytical data associated with custom fields. The custom fields can only be disabled.

  • Some custom fields are pre-configured and not created from the UI e.g User Availability Status, etc. These System Custom Fields cannot be disabled and the basic details such as Name, Description, Asset, Category, and Help Text cannot be edited.

Steps to navigate to Custom Fields

  1. Click the New Tab icon Screen Shot 2017-09-25 at 1.52.25 PM.png and select All Settings under Sprinklr Social. Next, search and click Custom Fields.
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