What is CSAT and How is it Scored?


Customer satisfaction has always been crucial to the health and growth of a business – but in this age of social media, unhappy customers wield greater power than ever before. An angry tweet, blog post, or Facebook rant may go viral, causing irreversible damage to a brand. On the flip side, satisfied customers – your brand “ambassadors” – often promote and recommend their favorite businesses to others, increasing both loyalty and revenue.

What is the Predicted CSAT Score?

Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT) is a basic measurement of a customer’s satisfaction with a brand’s product and/or services. Marketers and brands can use CSAT to determine customers' level of satisfaction at key interaction times, such as the moment of purchase, the onboarding process, a support ticket exchange, and a phone or digital conversation with customer service.

Sprinklr provides you the capability to predict CSAT scores on a conversation using AI. The score is between 1 to 100 which indicates the level of satisfaction of a customer at any particular point in the conversation, and the score is updated after every fan message in the conversation.

Use Cases

1. Case Escalation - Cases in which the CSAT drops below a certain level anytime during the conversation can be automatically escalated to the senior personnel with the motive of increasing the Customer Satisfaction Score.

2. Prioritisation and Assignment of Cases - It helps the team to prioritise more important and urgent cases that comes in on a daily basis. If the predicted score is below the expectations then cases can be allotted to the experienced agents.

3. Suggestive Actions - CSAT can help agents to take the best actions. For example - If there is a drop in the score then the agent can give discount/offers to the customers that will result in increasing the score.

4. Measuring agent's performance - CSAT can be used as one of the important parameters to analyse the agents' performance, based upon how adept they are in handling the cases assigned to them.

5. Reducing potential churn - CSAT can help identify a possible upcoming churn during the conversation by looking at the way how the conversation is going.

CSAT Scoring Process

CSAT, or Customer Satisfaction, is scored through a predictive AI model which operates on every new message, regardless of whether it originates from the customer or the agent.

The initial CSAT is established at 50, indicating neutrality, and is assigned to the first message in the conversation. For subsequent messages, the previous CSAT value is considered along with the sentiment of the latest message to determine the CSAT for the current message. This iterative process continues for every message in the conversation from both customers and agents.

The final CSAT reflects the score of the last message and signifies the overall satisfaction with the conversation.

CSAT Variation with Different Sentiments

CSAT values are sensitive to changes in sentiment.

For instance, in scenario one where CSAT is initially 20 and a negative sentimet is detected, and in scenario two where CSAT is at 55 with a negative sentiment, the drop in CSAT is more pronounced in scenario two. The example demonstrates that higher initial CSAT scores accentuate the impact of negative sentiments, leading to a more pronounced decrease in overall CSAT.

Conversely, positive sentiments can lead to a more substantial increase in CSAT when the initial score is lower. For example, if the sentiment is 80 in scenario one and 55 in scenario two, and a positive sentiment is detected, the increase in CSAT is more substantial in scenario two compared to one.

This sensitivity underscores the correlation between sentiment dynamics and the overall perceived satisfaction of the customer.

View CSAT in Case Analytics View

The CSAT for the interaction is derived from the CSAT of the last message in the interaction. Access the final CSAT score for the case within the At a Glance widget.

Click on CSAT to examine the fluctuations in CSAT throughout the case and pinpoint the customer's or agent's messages that triggered peaks or troughs in the CSAT. The pink link on the graph represents CSAT 50, indicating neutrality. Click on a specific point on the graph to identify the corresponding message in the transcript associated with that particular CSAT value.

CSAT Aggregation at Multiple Levels

CSAT can be aggregated at various levels and displayed on the homepage. This includes the aggregation of overall CSAT, along with breakdowns for specific contact drivers, agents, and more.