How to Define Synonyms & Misspellings?


To learn more about Synonyms & Misspellings, See What are Synonyms & Misspellings?

Steps To Define Synonyms & Misspellings

  1. Open the Conversational AI Persona App and go to "AI Tools". Click on "Define Synonyms and Misspellings"

  2. On the Synonyms And Misspellings window, click Add Synonyms and Misspellings in the top right corner.

  3. In the Add Synonyms and Misspellings tab, type in the word you want to add synonyms or misspellings for, like laptop.

  4. Next, add synonyms, for example, ‘desktop’ or any other word that can be used instead of the word “laptop” such as computer, notebook, machine, etc or you can also add misspellings, for example, ‘dekstop’, 'dektop', or any other misspelling.