Agent Case Processing Time Report


The Agent Case Processing Time Report displays the total time agents spend on Cases using the Agent Console/Care Console or Third Pane. It includes overall time, timestamps, and counts of how often each Case was opened. This information helps supervisors track active working time on Cases based on the timer/clock added to the Care Console for each agent at the case level.

The Agent Case Processing Time Report belongs to the Agent Performance Report Group.

Below are some scenarios where the Agent Case Processing Time Report is beneficial:

  1. Calculating the overall time spent by agents on Cases is based on the case processing clock.

  2. Calculating the processing time split by each case and agent.

  3. Analyzing the number of times a Case was opened and the processing start time for each Case.



Behavior of User Custom Fields

User Custom fields are supported in this report. The field will show the value attribute for that field mapped against the 'Agent' Dimension.

The User can use the Dimension Configurator to select whether to show the snapshot value or the current value of the field.

Behavior of Case Custom Fields

Case-level Custom Fields (CF) are supported in this Report. Plotting any Case-level CF will display the value attribute for that field on the Case. The field shows the snapshot value of the field for the case.

The Current Value of the Custom field can also be plotted by selecting "Current" in the Dimension Configurator.

Date Filter

Processing Clock Start Time.

Record Creation Time

Records are created for sessions when the processing clock pauses while agent leaves Console/Third Pane.

Refresh Frequency

5 minutes.

Aggregation Supported

Supported at 15-minute intervals.

Metrics and Dimensions

The following are the Metrics and Dimensions available under the Agent Case Processing Time Report:



Unique Cases touched by Agent

Unique number of Cases for which processing clock (Cases opened in Case Console/Agent Console/Third Pane) was started by the Agent.

Number of times case touched by Agent

The total number of times for which processing clock was started. The processing clock may be started for the same Case multiple times. For example, if an Agents working on Case put it on awaiting customer response, and then again if the same Case is assigned to the agent and they work on it, Processing case count will be 2.

Case Processing Clock Start Time

The timestamp at which the agent starts working on the Case in Agent Console/Care Console. If the case is opened multiple time, this will store multiple values.

Case Processing Time

The time spent by an agent working on a Case as per the case processing clock. This is calculated by adding the time spent by agent on a Case on Agent console or Third Pane. If the case window is toggled in, clock pauses and resumes when agent comes back to that screen.

Avg Case Processing Time (Per Case)

The average time spent by agent on a Case based on Case processing time and number of Cases that is opened by the agent. If this metric is plotted with Case, it will show the same value as the Case Processing Time Metric. For example, if Agent A works on Case #1 for 5 minutes, and again on Case #1 for 10 minutes, and also works on Case #2 for 5 minutes, then the average handling time will be (5+10+5)/2 = 10 minutes.




The Sprinklr user for whom the report is being generated.

Agent Id

The Sprinklr user ID for whom the report is being generated.

Agent Email Id

Email ID of the user.

Agent Federation Id

Federation ID of the user for whom report is been generated.


Date on which the activity occurred.

Day of Year

This is the sequential day number starting with day 1 on January 1st.

Time of day

The specific 1-hour period within a day when an activity occurred, displayed in the 24-hour clock format (hh:mm) and adjusted to your timezone.

Time of day (30 minutes interval)

The specific half-hour period within a day when an activity occurred, displayed in the
24-hour clock format (hh:mm) and adjusted to your timezone.

Time of Day (15 Minute Interval)

The specific quarter-hour period within a day when an activity took place, represented in
the 24-hour clock format (hh:mm) and adjusted to your timezone.

Week of Year

This is the sequential week number in the year starting the week count with Sunday.

Month Of Year

The name of the Calendar Month on which the activity occurred.

Day of Week

The name of the day of the week on which the activity occurred.

Agent Skills (Comma Separated)

Agent Skills assigned to the agent. If multiple skills are assigned, it will come comma separated.

Agent Skill VS Proficiency (Comma Separated)

Agent Skills assigned to the agent. If multiple skills are assigned, it will come comma

Agent Skill

Agent Skills assigned to the agent. If multiple skills are assigned, it will come comma separated.

Agent Manager

Agent Manager assigned to the user.

Agent Group

The name of the Sprinklr Agent group.

Case Number

The ID number associated with the Case Details.

Case Details

Associated Case to the event, which includes the Case subject, Case ID and the Description.

This concludes our comprehensive coverage of the Agent Case Processing Time Report. For more details on the Reports available under Service Analytics, please refer to the Detailed Reports Glossary.