AI Feedback Analysis Report


The AI Feedback Analysis Report tracks feedback provided by users on AI evaluations. It helps identify areas for model improvement and highlights the variance between AI-generated scores and the expected feedback-provided scores at the item level, aiming to enhance AI accuracy. The AI Feedback Analysis Report belongs to the Quality Management Report Group.

Metrics and Dimensions

The following are the Metrics and Dimensions available under the AI Feedback Analysis Report:



Expected Score

Expected Score of the checklist item on which feedback is provided.

Checklist Item Feedback Count

The total number of feedbacks provided on the checklist item.

Checklist Item Score

The AI score on the checklist item.

Checklist Item Variance

The difference between the feedback score and the original score for the checklist item.



Feedback Type

Feedback Provided is Positive or Negative.

Feedback Reason

Feedback reason selected by the user providing the negative feedback

Feedback Provide By

The user name who provided the feedback.

Feedback Provided At

The date and time on which the user provided the feedback.

Incorrect Evidences

Insights selected in the feedback which are incorrectly detected.

Missing Evidences

Messages selected in the feedback where insight should have been detected.


Comment inputted by the user in the feedback.

Case Number

The ID number associated to the Case.

Checklist Item

The checklist item on which feedback is provided.

Feedback Interaction ID

The interaction ID of the case interaction on which the feedback is provided.

Case Details

Associated case to the event, which includes the Case subject, Case ID
and the Description.

This concludes our comprehensive coverage of the AI Feedback Analysis Report. For more details on the Reports available under Service Analytics, please refer to the Detailed Reports Glossary.