Universal Product Cart Report


The Universal Product Cart Report provides detailed insights into customer shopping activity, tracking metrics like cart status, creation and modification times, purchase completion, and discounts applied. It helps brands analyze purchase behavior, monitor cart statuses, and evaluate total purchases, enabling optimized cart and checkout experiences to enhance customer satisfaction. The Universal Product Cart Report belongs to the Live Chat Additional Report Group.

Metrics and Dimensions

Below are the Metrics and Dimensions available under the Universal Product Cart Report:



Payable Amount

The total amount to be paid for the items in the cart created.

Total Carts

Number of carts created for a particular customer.

Total Discount

Total discount applied to the cart created.

Unique Case Count

Unique number of cases associated with a particular customer profile ID.




The name of the social network account. When used with case details, this will display the name of the "Organization Account" through which the first message associated with the Case is grabbed. Messages are ordered in a Case based on the time they were associated with the Case, not necessarily the date and time the messages were created.

Cart Status

Indicates the current status of the cart created.

Purchase Completion Time

Time difference between Case Creation Time and purchase completion time.

Case Details

Associated case to the event, which includes the Case subject, Case ID and the Description.

Cart Created Time

Indicates the date timestamp when the cart was initially created. This is associated to the unique customer profile.

Cart Modified Time

Indicates the date timestamp when the cart was last updated.

Cart Purchase Time

Indicates the date timestamp when the cart was converted into a purchase.

Creation Time

Captures case creation date and time to ensure uniformity of their reports.

Source Type 

Indicates the source type of the cart details whether the details are received from external source, such as WhatsApp.

Customer Profile ID

Unique ID of the customer associated with the cart.

Case Number

The ID number associated to the Case Details.

Account Group

The name of the Sprinklr Account Group. An Account Group is a collection of Accounts within a Client that can contain multiple social networks. You can create and edit these groups under Administration> Settings.


Indicates the Workspace to which the data is associated with.


Date on which the event occured.

Day of Year

Day of the year. For example, 1st Jan will be 1, 2nd Jan will be 2, and so on.

Time of day 
The specific 1-hour period within a day when an activity occurred, displayed in the 24-hour clock format (hh:mm) and adjusted to the user's timezone. 

Time of day (30 minutes interval)

The specific half-hour period within a day when an activity occurred, displayed in the 24-hour clock format (hh:mm) and adjusted to the user's timezone. 

Time of Day (15 Minute Interval)

The specific quarter-hour period within a day when an activity took place, represented in the 24-hour clock format (hh:mm) and adjusted to the user's timezone.

Week of Year

This is the sequential week number in the year starting the week count with Sunday.

Month Of Year

The name of the Calendar Month on which the activity occurred.

Day of the Week

The name of the day of the week on which the activity occurred.

Day of Time Range

This Dimension specifies the respective day number in the selected time range. Note that the start date will be referred to as Day 1 and so on.

Channel Case Number

This represents the case number of external channel.

Prompt Creative

Indicates the unique ID of Prompt Creative

Use Case: For E-commerce clients, which prompt was the root cause for the current purchase. Will help the effectiveness of the prompts in converting leads to customers.

Page URL

Indicates website link associated to the case where conversion happened (Cart creation happened)

Customer Profile Details

Represents Customer Name, Email ID and Phone number.

This concludes our comprehensive coverage of the Universal Product Cart Report. For more details on the Reports available under Service Analytics, please refer to the Detailed Reports Glossary.